The girls laughed and Kennedy said, “I’ll make it as easy as I can for you. Kira has a scar just above her top lip.”

My head jerked back for a second, then I was leaning forward to find the faint scar. “Why haven’t I ever been told that?”

Kennedy’s eyebrows rose, and I knew she was enjoying the fact that she’d helped my family and not me. “You’ve never had trouble figuring us out except for that very first meeting. There was never any reason to tell you.”

“Still would have been helpful,” I mumbled at the same time as my mom finally saw the scar.

“Oh, you can barely even see it! But I guess it will have to do. How did you get it, sweet girl?”

Kira laughed and glanced at Kennedy. “I hid Kennedy’s stuffed bear when we were four, and she threw a Barbie car at me. She’s a little violent.”

“Oh, I’m the violent one? You chased me with a knife when we were ten. I was just trying to scare you, it’s not my fault I have bad aim and it ended up hitting you in the face.”

Kira’s laugh got louder and she shrugged unapologetically. “You deserved it, you—”

“Anyway,” Kennedy said, cutting off Kira. “That’s the easiest way to tell. We have different tattoos, but that usually doesn’t help people. Sorry, we’ve probably scared you all off now.”

Mom snorted. “Not even close. Liam tried to melt Kristi’s dolls in the oven, cut her hair off while she was sleeping, and put her in a headlock when she was three. Nothing can scare me after raising a boy.” She rolled her eyes and looked up at me, but gave me a little wink as she nodded toward the girls—and I knew right then that she already approved of Kennedy and Kira. “Well, I wanted to introduce myself. I’m—”

“Mom, they already know who you are.”

She smacked me in the stomach, her smile never faltering. “Like I was saying. I’m Harper, Liam’s mother, and I’m so happy you both agreed to come to dinner. Brandon and Kristi talk about you two so much, I couldn’t wait to get to spend more time with you.”

Kennedy gave me a soft smile before looking back up at my mom. “Well, we really appreciate this, thank you so much for having us. Liam’s told me a lot about you, it’ll be really nice to get to sit and talk with you instead of just saying hello and good-bye at the gym. Besides, I told Liam in the car that I’m really hoping to get some juicy stories about him while we’re here.”

Aunt Bree laughed and stood up from the table. “I like her. We can keep them both.” Walking up to me, she tilted her head back like Mom did when she was about to get mad at me, and poked me in the chest with each word she spoke. “And we’re still not friends! It better be an epic groveling I get from you!”

“I’m sure it will be,” I called after her as she walked into the kitchen with Mom not far behind her. Looking back at the girls, who had just stood up from the couch, I released a heavy breath. “So that’s Mom and Aunt Bree. I think they’re the worst you’ll get.”

“I like them,” Kira said as she turned to go to the kitchen.

Kennedy walked up to me until she was pressed against my chest. “I like them too. So,” she said huskily, and gave me an amused look. “You tried to melt your sister’s dolls in the oven, huh? I’m sure that’s somewhere in a book on the makings of a serial killer.”

I pinched her side and brushed a kiss across her cheek. “I was six, give me a break. Come on, let’s get the rest of this night over with.”

With a soft kiss to my lips, Kennedy slowly backed away from me. “Like I said, I’m not the one who’s going to be embarrassed tonight. I’m excited about what I’ll find out next.”

“Meeting your parents will be the sweetest payback I’ve ever received.”

“Who said I’d ever let you near my parents?” she asked teasingly. With a wink, she turned around and went to join my family in the kitchen, and for long moments all I could do was stand there and watch her as I realized Brian was right.

For the first time in my life, I knew I was falling in love. And it was with a girl who was terrified by the idea of relationships. But nothing about the challenge was scaring me at the moment.



tober 23


“ARE YOU READY for this?” I asked Kira, and was beyond happy to see her eyes immediately light up as she nodded her head.

“As long as you are.”

For a moment, my chest constricted with a years-old panic that was hard to break, but the feeling passed within seconds. “I’m ready.”

Grabbing the door to the tattoo parlor, I swung it open and followed Kira inside.