I turned to look at him over my shoulder, “Not yet.”

His smile turned playful as we sat down on the couch, “So I don't need to stay away from you?”

My breaths were coming faster as I stared into his warm eyes that were only inches from mine, “I really hope you won't.” I caught myself leaning in closer to his face and saw his eyes look at my lips then back to mine as they turned to liquid steel. Before our faces could touch I was yanked back and thrown over Chase's shoulder as he yelled for the beer pong game to start.

“CHASE! Put me down!” I couldn't even enjoy the fact that his hands were touching my bare thighs. He'd just stopped what could have been my first kiss, and his shoulder was really uncomfortable against my stomach.

“No way! The Princess needs her throne!”

I started beating my fists on his back, which just made him laugh harder and smack my butt. Ugh, this was the worst position to be in, I couldn’t even get a good pressure point to hit. “If you don't put me down I will make good on my previous threat!”

He laughed for another few seconds before remembering the night in his bed, immediately his laughter stopped and I was set down. But of course, I couldn't have the last word. Gripping my arm firmly, he pulled me towards the front door before bringing me close to his body so he could whisper roughly in my ear.

“I don't want you with him.” He growled and his grip tightened. Gah, even that sent shivers of pleasure through me.

“What is your deal with him? Is there something he did that you'd like to share?”

“He's not good enough for you.”

I shook my head and failed at yanking my arm free, it was starting to get painful. “How do you know what is and isn't good for me? You don't even know me!” I hissed.

Warm hands were on my shoulders then, and though he dropped my arm, Chase looked more pissed off than he had before. I knew he'd been gripping me tight, but my arm was now throbbing where his hand had just been.

“I thought I told you to back off man?” Chase’s voice got louder, I swear I could practically see his feathers ruffle.

I could tell Brandon was standing in an intimidating stance, but he seemed perfectly at ease making soothing trails up and down my arms. “I don't really think that's up to you.”

Chase looked at me softly, his voice still harsh, “You hurt her, I swear to God I'll break your neck.” With that, he pushed past us and went back toward the kitchen.

That was a little much. “Ridiculous.” I blew out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and turned to look at Brandon. “Before you ask, I have absolutely no idea.”

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. “And you're sure nothing's going on between you?”

“Positive. He probably just views me as his sister, so he’s a little protective.”

“Hah! I'm pretty sure he doesn't see you like he sees Bree.”

“What do you mean?”

I didn't think it was possible, but somehow his voice got even lower and all I wanted to do was close my eyes and listen to him talk. “You're gorgeous, funny and just all around amazing. And what makes it worse is that you don't even see it. All the guys had been talking about you before I even got here, and after today, I see why.”

“No they weren't Brandon.” I rolled my eyes.

He raised his eyebrow and smirked, “I wouldn't lie to you. Harper, trust me when I say he doesn't want to be your brother, but I'm not about to let him try to be anything else.”

His mouth was on mine then and my entire world stopped. One hand gripped my hip, and the other snaked around behind my neck, anchoring my face to his. His full lips were soft but firm as they moved against mine. Pulling back slightly to look into my eyes, he smiled and softly brushed his lips across my own twice before kissing me again, lightly sliding his tongue against my bottom lip. I gasped and gripped his shirt, pressing my body closer to his. A groan escaped his mouth as our tongues met, sending goose bumps across my body. Our breaths were ragged when we broke apart, and I could see myself falling in love with those lips. The pad of his thumb brushed across my cheek as his liquid gray eyes searched mine.

“Harper come on it's our tu- woops! Sorry.” She hardly looked sorry as she sat there smiling at us.

“What Bree?”

“Oh! Um, it's my turn at beer pong. I want you to be my partner.”

Okay that was the second time I'd heard the words 'beer pong', what on earth is that? “I don't know how to play.”

“Well, duh. But you're not going to learn by standing back here making out.”

I blushed and ducked my head again, Brandon just chuckled beside me. “Okay, let's go.”

All the guys tried to explain the game to me as Konrad – Bree's fling for the weekend – and Drew set up the table. I nodded and started to worry when they did half a beer per cup. If these guys were good, I was going to be falling over in no time.

I leaned into Bree to whisper, “Are the cups supposed to be that full?”

“Not even close, they're doing it because Drew wants to get you drunk. Let's just hope they don't make many.”

“I'm pretty sure he's going to get what he wants.” I felt sick already and I hadn't even had a sip yet.

Apparently, it's true what they say about beginners luck, because I only missed one shot, and only had to drink two cups. Even with those, I was already feeling good and laughing a little more. I know, I know. I'm a lightweight. They set the cups up again, this time there wasn't much in each, and Brandon stepped up with Derek.

I raised my eyebrows and smiled slowly, “Ready to lose?”

“I've never lost before. Bring it sweetheart.”

The boys went first, and each made it. We drank the first two before both landing our shots as well. Brandon made his, Derek didn't. Bree and I both made ours. I started gloating, but then they both made their shots. I'm really glad Konrad and Drew weren't this good. Bree made hers and I lined up. Just before I let go of the ball, Brandon stretched his arms above his head and arched his back. His shirt raised a little exposing a perfectly muscled V that met his boxers, which were barely visible above his jeans. I missed that one. He laughed and fixed his shirt. Cheater. I whispered to Bree as Derek drank a cup and she burst into laughter. Everyone looked at us like we were crazy, so we just shrugged our shoulders. Brandon raised his hand, and as he did I bent over acting like I was looking for something on the floor, purposefully turning so my butt was facing him. He missed. When Derek went for his turn, Bree bent slightly at the waist, giving them a better view of her cleavage, her hand trailing along her chest. His ball didn't even hit anywhere on the table, which landed him a hand across the back of his head from his girlfriend. We were cracking up as we both made our next shots. Before the guys could go, two guys I didn't know came up behind us and made sure we couldn't “cheat” again, not that it made a difference. We were all laughing so hard from everyone still attempting to distract the other side, that no one made their next few shots. Although the first half of the game flew by, it took me and Bree four more turns to make our last two cups.

“I'm done. Someone else can take my spot.” I laughed and backed away from an advancing Brandon.

“You think you're funny, huh?”

I nodded and continued my retreat but he caught my hips and firmly pressed his lips to mine, when our lips parted he picked me up and started walking me towards the couches. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him as passionately as my tipsy self would allow. I whimpered when he caught my bottom lip between his teeth as he sat on the couch. Good God, was this what I’d always been missing? Or was my blood heating and my heart racing just because it was Brandon? Grabbing his broad shoulders, I melted against his body, his muscled arms holding me tight. Our tongues met again and he gripped my hips tighter when I arched my body into his. Before I could protest from his lips leaving mine, he started making a trail across my jaw and down my neck, my eyes shot open when a familiar voice broke through the haze Brandon’s lips and tongue had put me in.

“So much for the PG rating.” Chase sneered as he made his way towards the back door with the girl from earlier.

My eyes went wide when the party came back into view; I had completely forgotten we weren’t alone. Looking down at the position Brandon and I were in, I quickly climbed off his lap and sunk down next to him, trying to keep my eyes off Chase.

Brandon looked at me confused, “Wait, 'PG' is a rating they gave you?”

I blushed fiercely and looked at my hands. I guess the guys hadn't informed him.

“What, she didn't tell you? Princess over here was as virgin as someone could possibly get until she met you. Now she's just simply a virgin, I guess we can raise it to PG-13 until later. I'm sure she's ready to get rid of it all together. Maybe you’ll have better luck than I did.”

My breath was coming quickly for a completely different reason now, and I couldn't meet Brandon's eyes again, though I knew he was still staring at me. Chase and his nightly tramp snickered as they walked outside and I took off for his room. I should have known he would lock it while people were here, but I was two seconds from breaking it in so Brandon wouldn't see the embarrassment covering my face. I turned into the bathroom and shut the door as I heard him and someone else approaching. Less than a minute later, there was a soft knock and Bree walked in, shutting the door again behind her.

“Will you ever forgive me?”

I looked up at her, “Forgive you? For what?”

“For telling them the last time.”

“Bree you didn't tell them maliciously. You weren't even completely coherent when you said it! What he did is completely different.”

She sat on the floor next to me, and ran her fingers through my ponytail.

“Did everyone hear him?”