“I'd be happy to share that bed with you Chase.” Her bubble gum voice made me want to gag. I'm pretty sure I hadn't even sounded like that when I was five.

After she brought his mouth to hers, I spared a glance in Brandon's direction to see him studying me. It wasn't uncomfortable, and it didn't last nearly as long as I would have liked it to, I could have sat there looking at him for hours. I wasn't used to feeling anything for a guy, and now I couldn't stop going back and forth between him and Chase. Butterflies in my stomach with one, and hot shivers with another. I almost laughed out loud when I realized how stupid it was to feel anything for Chase, his current position with the brunette proving why. Brandon on the other hand, I knew nothing about. Other than his laugh, I hadn't even heard his voice. Ugh, I'm ridiculous, one guy is a whore, the other I haven't even spoken to.

Saying goodbye to everyone, I picked up my bag and began walking away as a deep husky voice called my name. I didn't stop walking, but looked over my shoulder in time to see Brandon walking around the table toward me, and Chase holding the brunette's head away from his as he watched us, she just continued onto his neck.

Falling into step with me, he held out a hand, “We haven't met yet, I'm Brandon Taylor.”

Dear Lord that voice could warm me on the coldest day of the year. “Harper Jackson, nice to meet you.”

He smiled as he held the door open for me, “You too. You seem to know the rest of the guys pretty well though we're just meeting, they said you're Bree's roommate?”

“Uh, yeah. I am, but I don't really know them well. I've only talked to them for a total of about ten minutes before today.”

“Really?” The corners of his mouth twitched up, “You seem to make quite an impression in a short amount of time then.”

“Oh I definitely made an impression with them.” I muttered.

He looked at me quizzically but I shook my head so he wouldn't push it. We stopped walking when we got to the path that would take me to the dorms and him to his next class. I turned towards him and shamelessly took in his worn jeans resting low on his narrow hips and fitted black shirt before going back to his face. I hadn't realized how tall he was when we were walking out, but he had to be at least a foot taller than me. His height and muscled body made me want to curl up in his arms, it looked like I'd fit perfectly there. I nervously bit my bottom lip while I watched his cloudy eyes slowly take in my small frame. It didn't feel like the guys at the party, looking at me like I was something to eat. His eyes made me feel beautiful, and it thrilled me that they were on me. Thrilled me that they were on me? Get a grip Harper you just met him two seconds ago.

“Come on PG, let's go.” Chase grabbed my arm and started dragging me away.

“Chase! Stop!” I yanked my arm out and shot him a dirty look. “What is your problem?”

“I'm taking you and Bree to the house, and you need to pack for the weekend so let's go.” He grabbed for me again but I dodged his hand.

“The weekend, what?”

“You're staying with me, go pack.”

I narrowed my eyes and started to turn towards Brandon, “Fine, hold on.”


“Go away Chase, I'll meet you in the room in a minute. Go find Bree.”

He moved to stand closer behind me so I just sighed and gave Brandon a lame smile. “Sorry, apparently I have to go. I'll see you tonight?” I don't know why I asked, he actually lived there.

A sexy smile lit up his face as his hand reached out to quickly brush against my arm, “See you then.” With a hard nod directed towards Chase, he turned and walked away.

I stalked past Chase and didn't look back at him the entire way to my room. He stood in the doorway as Bree and I packed for the weekend, which made me uncomfortable because I couldn't ask her which outfits I should wear. I threw in things she had gushed over at the mall, a few pairs of underwear, sleep shorts, make-up and all my bathroom supplies before finally saying anything to him.

“Why don't you be a dear and carry this for me.” My tone was laced with anger, and he seemed to find it amusing.

I tried to squeeze by him but he caught me around my waist and pulled me close, his breath warm as he whispered in my ear, “Anything for you sweetheart.”

My heart pounded and my legs started to shake. I stayed in his arms a second too long and he noticed. I pushed him off me as soon as I saw that cocky smirk take over his face. “God you piss me off.”

“Whoa, whoa. Did you just say 'piss'? I'm not sure if that's PG approved.” He laughed when I glowered at him and stormed away towards the parking lot.

As soon as we got to the house, Bree was talking to some guy on her cell in Chase’s room which left me alone with Chase. Not wanting to deal with him, I grabbed the remote and spread out on the couch trying to find something other than him to hold my attention. I made it a point not to look in his direction again. Sighing, I flipped through the guide a few more times without finding anything interesting and just turned on the news. Sir would have been proud.

I hated that I knew Chase was looking at me, or where he was in the room. Why does my skin have to tingle over a guy like him? It's not that I didn't want it to, because to be honest, he's all I could think about the last two weeks. But I've already heard all about his one-night-stand reputation from people at school, and from the stories his sister told me, I shouldn't even want to be with someone like him. He was with different women all the time, I knew what happened in the café was completely normal and Bree said he hadn't been in a relationship for four years because it “just isn't his thing”. Apparently girls felt privileged to have been with him at all, I would hate to be anyone's one nighter. He walked over to the couch and I tried to still my heart when he lifted up my legs and sat down, putting them back on his lap. No need to let him know how being near to him had me coming undone.

“So I see my sister is already influencing you poorly.”

Not like I expected a deep meaningful conversation, but I hadn't been expecting that. “Do I even want to know what you're talking about?”

“This.” He leaned over to touch just above my lips. Damn the stupid shivers that course through my body when he touches me.

“What, you don't like it?”

“I never said that, it's hot as hell.” He let his fingers trail across my jaw before sitting up with a smirk, “But I'm disappointed you'd let her start talking you into stuff already. Figured you weren't one to give in to people like that.”

My mouth dropped and I pulled my knees up to my chest so I was no longer touching him. “Not that it's your business, but I was the one who wanted them and brought it up. I didn't know at that time that she would want to get them too, and I certainly wouldn't let someone talk me into something like that. Glad to know you think so highly of me.” With that I left for his room only to find it locked. I didn't want to go back in there and face him, but I didn't want to stand here like an idiot either. I heard his phone ring and listened to his voice retreat as he went outside before deciding to go back to the couch. I had barely sat down when he was next to me, arm extended with phone in hand.

“It's for you.” His mouth was set in a firm line and I noticed his jaw tick from the pressure.


“Sorry to have to go through Chase, but I wanted to talk to you.”

I glanced back at the phone and saw Brandon's name, smiling I brought it back to my ear and relaxed into the cushions. “I don't mind, what's up?”

“I have a few hours before my last class, would you like to grab a coffee with me before?”

I wanted to say something along the lines of Yes, please! I want nothing more than to sit there and look at your smile for the next couple hours! Instead, I kept it simple. “I'd like that. Did you want me to meet you somewhere...?” Does he know I don't have a car?

“I'm on my way to the house, I'll be there in five.”

“See you.” I smiled and handed the phone back to a stone-faced Chase. I ran back to his door and pounded on it so Bree would unlock it.

“Brandon's coming to pick me up for coffee!” I all but squealed.

“I'll call you back!” She pressed end and pointed at me, “I knew it!”

“You knew he was going to call?”

“No, I knew you liked him!”

I scoffed. “Bree, I don't even know him.”

“But you want to?”

“Uh, did you not see him?” He was ridiculously attractive, and had that rugged look that made me quiver. “And oh my goodness that smile.”

“Oh sweetie, you are so falling for him already.”

“Crap, Bree I'm nervous. I don't know how to talk to guys.”

“You talk to Chase and the other guys just fine...?”

“Yeah, but that's because they're more annoying than anything. And so far Brandon isn't, plus he's incredibly gorgeous.” I smiled when she elbowed me.

“Just try to see him like the rest of them, they all love you, and I'm pretty sure he's already completely taken with you; so you have nothing to worry about!”

“If you say so. Do I look okay?”

“Yeah you do! I meant to say something at lunch, you look stunning!”

I laughed at the fact that just this morning I'd been dressing for Chase, and now here I am getting excited about going to coffee with Brandon. And by excited, I mean frantically nervous.

“What's funny?”

Oops. “Nothing.”

She wasn't buying it.

“It's just no one's ever asked me to go anywhere with them,” I lied, “and I'm getting all excited over coffee. I feel stupid that I'm eighteen and I still haven't been asked on a date.”

“Well I have a feeling that isn't going to be true much longer.” Just then we heard Brandon calling for me. “See you when you get back!”