“Cass?” I asked even before I swung the door open to reveal her little body curled up in a ball at the base of the door. “Shit. Cassidy!” I put my Sig on a table near the door and went back to her.

“G-G-G-Gage?” she stuttered, and looked up at me as I scooped her into my arms.

She was fucking freezing. Her hair had literally frozen and even in the soft light from above my door I could see her face was blue. Why wasn’t she wearing a damn jacket or shoes?! Where the fuck was Tyler? I ran back to my bathroom with her in my arms and turned the hot water on as I sat her on the counter. Flipping the light on, I got my first good look at her and a string of expletives left my mouth. Her lips and the surrounding area were blue, as were the tips of her fingers. The rest of her was bright red and shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to keep them open before she gave up, letting them close. Her lashes, eyebrows, and hair were all frozen and her damn socks were stuck to her feet. I tried to lift her shirt off her but it was stuck as well, causing her to cry out and start sobbing again.

I wanted to scream at her, ask her why she would go outside dressed like this when it was sleeting and at most twenty degrees outside, ask her where her damn boyfriend was and why she hadn’t called me. But I was so scared all I could do was whisper that she would be okay as I hugged her and tried to transfer some of my body heat. The shower was warmed up so I took off my sleep pants, leaving on my boxer-briefs, and took us both into the shower. She cried out again and I knew it must have been burning her, but she needed to heat up—like half an hour ago. I kept my arms around her and rubbed them vigorously up and down her body, and as her clothes loosened on her, I took those off and threw them onto the bathroom floor. She brought her hands up to my body and I flinched as the contrast between the hot water and her frozen fingers hit me. We were in a burning-hot shower, and she was making me freaking cold. My stomach dropped when her head fell hard to my chest and her body gave out.

“No, no, no. Wake up, Cassidy! Wake up!” I shouted, and sank down into the tub, glad I’d put the plug down so it would fill up while the shower ran. “Cassidy!” I grabbed her chin and brought her face up, cringing when I saw how blue her mouth and the surrounding area still were. “Wake up, darlin’!” I pressed my mouth to hers as if I were doing mouth-to-mouth and blew hot air onto her frozen face.


“That’s right, Cass, wake up. Keep talking to me.” Her eyelids fluttered shut and I shook her body. “No, Cassidy! You can’t sleep right now. Stay awake, talk to me. Why were you outside?” I grabbed her fingers and blew more hot air on them before shoving them into the collecting water, turning the shower up even hotter, and grabbing her chin again.


“Where was Ty, Cass?”

“K-k-kicked-d m-m-me out-t.”

My body stilled. “Dressed like this?”

She nodded even though I still gripped her chin.

“Why didn’t you call me, Cassidy?!” I shouted at her, and tried to calm myself when she recoiled from the sound.

“H-h-he locked-d m-me out. N-no ce-ce-ce—”

“Locked you out without your phone?”

She nodded again and I squeezed her body tighter to mine. “Jesus, Cassidy. I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him.” I looked down to see her jaw slack and her eyes closed again. “No! Wake up, baby. You gotta stay awake. Come on, Cass.” I shook her again. “I need you to stay awake!”

“S-so c-cold.”

“I know, Cass. I know. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”


“Yeah, darlin’?”

“I’m t-tired.”

“I know.” I sighed in relief when I looked down to see only red on her beautiful face instead of blue. “You can’t go to sleep yet though.”

Cupping water in the hand that wasn’t holding her upper body, I let the water fall down her hair a few times before running my hands over it to make sure it was completely thawed out and warm. I kept her talking until her teeth stopped chattering and her body stopped shaking. It wasn’t until I had us out of the shower and was wrapping numerous towels around her that I realized I’d been in a shower with a naked Cassidy. But I could barely even think about that now, let alone then. I was terrified for her, and now I was shaking with built-up rage at my cousin. Her eyes closed again when I took her into my room to grab a shirt and sweats to dress her in.

“Cassidy, I need you to sit up and stay awake. I’m going to start a fire. I know you’re tired, but if you can stay up for another half hour, I’ll let you go to sleep then, okay?”

She nodded and sat up, wrapping her arms around herself in my baggy clothes.

“I’ll be right back, stay awake.”

I grabbed my phone and changed into clean boxers, jeans, and a hoodie before running into the living room and starting a fire.

“Adam. Hey, man, I’m sorry if I woke you, but can you do me a huge favor?”

“Uh, yeah.” He whispered to someone that it was me and asked, “What’s up?”

“Are you with Dana?”

“We were just watching a movie, what’s wrong?”

“I need someone to come watch Cassidy while I go beat the shit out of Tyler. But if you’re with Dana, I’ll call someone else.”

“No!” He sounded alarmed. “No, no, it’s fine. What happened to her?”

“I haven’t gotten the whole story, but he kicked her out of their place, locked her out in nothing but a tiny shirt and pants, without her phone or anything. I guess she walked all the way over here; she was blue and frozen when I opened my door.” The firewood had caught and I waited for it to stay burning before turning off the gas.

“Are you serious?” He spoke away from the phone and whispered for Dana to come with him. “We’re on our way. Do you need us to get her anything?”

“No. I just need someone to watch her, make sure she stays awake for a while. I had her in a hot shower for a while and she’s in some dry clothes now. I just got the fire started and I’m gonna make her some coffee.”

I heard him relaying the story to Dana. “Damn. Gage, that’s a good three-or-four-mile walk from their place. My car is saying it’s sixteen degrees and it is sleeting really bad.”

“I know,” I growled, and started the coffee. “She had to have left at the very least an hour and a half ago, and Tyler hasn’t called me once to tell me she’s gone. I swear to God, if he’s just sitting in that apartment when I get there . . .”

“Gage, maybe I should go with you to make sure you don’t kill him. Dana can stay with her.”

I wanted to say I’d deal with it alone, but I knew he was right. “Yeah, okay. How long until you’re here?”

“Less than five minutes.”

“ ’Kay, the door is unlocked. I’m gonna go check on her.”

“All right, see ya.”

“Darlin’, you still awake?” I asked as I walked into the room.

Cassidy had a few tears on her cheeks when she looked up at me, and my heart about broke.

“Come on, the fire is going and the coffee is probably ready by now.” I didn’t wait for her to try to get up; I wrapped the comforter around her, scooped her back into my arms, and carried her to the couch I’d pulled up in front of the fire, then sat her down. “You okay?”

She nodded and stared into the flames.

“I’m gonna get you coffee. Once you drink it you can lie down, all right?” When she simply nodded again, I walked into the kitchen and poured her a mug before putting some milk and sugar in there. “Here you go, Cass. Drink all of this.” The door opened and she jumped. When Dana and Adam walked in she looked back at me and grabbed the mug.

“Hey, sweetie,” Dana said softly, and sat next to her. “What happened that you’d do something as crazy as walking in this freezing weather?” she asked with a quiet laugh and nudge.

I was glad she was asking, because that was exactly what I wanted to know. I was afraid Cassidy was going to break down crying again, and I knew how much she hated for anyone to see her cry, but instead her eyes narrowed and she harshly whispered to Dana about Tyler walking out that morning and coming in late that night with some redhead whose name she couldn’t remember. Said he introduced Cassi as his sister and took the redhead into his room, and repeated what Tyler said when he came back into the kitchen. That was the last thing I heard before grabbing Adam’s arm and stalking out to my truck. I was going to kill the prick.

We were there in six minutes, and I didn’t even bother knocking when I saw his Jeep in the parking lot. I used my old key and charged in, my anger building when I heard some chick’s loud moans in the kitchen. Rounding the corner, I paused only momentarily when I saw Tyler screwing Cara on the kitchen counter before continuing toward him.

“What the hell, man? Get out!”

I didn’t say anything, just grabbed his shoulder and turned him as my fist connected with his nose.

“Gage!” Cara screeched, and tried to cover herself when she realized Adam was with me. “You had your chance with me, you passed it up!”

“This has nothing to do with you and me, Cara. I honestly couldn’t care less who you decide to sleep with. But he has a girlfriend and he could have killed her tonight because he was being stupid. Now get dressed and get out!” I grabbed Tyler’s arm and dragged him over to the couch, letting him fall onto it and throwing the blanket at him.

“Damn it, Gage! You broke my nose.”

“I want to break a lot more than that. But I’m going to give you a few minutes to explain yourself first. Where’s Cassidy?”

He looked at me incredulously. “How the hell am I supposed to know? I told her to leave and now she’s gone.”

“Your Jeep is here.”