“How people can do that to their own kid is beyond me. People like that need to be arrested, or shot. I’m sure we can find some ditches.” He smiled under his massive mustache.

“I swear I wanted to drive there and have a conversation with them and my shotgun. It about killed me; she’s the sweetest person you’ve ever met. And she wouldn’t let Tyler turn them in. Her mom’s a heartless bitch, and yet Cassidy still would never do anything against her.”

Dad just shook his head and relaxed against the tree. “Don’t give up on her, Gage. You don’t feel this way for no reason. What do you say we finish this post and call it a day? You need to explain to your mama what’s been going on. She might have better advice than your old man. And you better apologize to her. She’s been making herself sick with worry.”

I nodded. “Sorry for putting y’all through this. I honestly didn’t realize I was letting it show so much.”

“You’re forgiven. Come on, I’m hungry and your mama and sisters are makin’ chili and corn bread.”

I missed Cassidy’s cooking. I missed trying to help her cook, even though I messed everything up more times than not. I missed her laugh and smile, and the way she felt in my arms every morning. I just missed her. God, I felt like such a fuckin’ girl.

We fixed the broken parts of the fence and were on our way back to the house within ten minutes. We rode slowly back, and I told Dad more about Cassidy and our lives together with Tyler. Not even halfway back to the house, my sister Amanda texted me to say Ty, his parents, and a girl were at the main house and for us to come back. I didn’t need to ask who the girl was; there wasn’t anyone else they’d bring.

“Gage, what’s wrong?”

I realized I’d stopped my horse Bear and was just staring in the direction of the house. Looking up at him, I could only say one word. “Cassidy.” If Bear sprinted, we’d be back in about fifteen minutes, and even that seemed too long. “Hya!”


I couldn’t look back at my dad. I heard his horse in a dead sprint behind us, and I knew he’d be pissed at me for taking off like that, but she was here. When we reached the house, I saw Tyler’s Jeep out front and stood there for almost an entire minute trying to decide between taking care of Bear and going to her.

“She’ll still be in there in five minutes. After what you just put Bear through, you may want to attend to him first.”

I grunted in acknowledgment and jumped off my horse to walk him toward the stables. After he had everything off him, we sprayed him and my dad’s horse down with a hose and let them out into the field. Dad put his hand on my shoulder to stop me, and I tried not to let him see how frustrated I was that he was continuing to keep me from Cassidy.

“Now, I have no doubt there’s a reason she was put in your life, and I know I told you to fight for her. But fight smart, son. Tyler’s like a brother to you; you don’t want to ruin that because of her. And another thing: you running in there lookin’ like you do will probably scare her shitless.”

I looked down at my shirt. I’d been sweating all day from work and I’d thrown my shirt back on right before we started back here, but it wasn’t like I was covered in bits of cow pies.

“I wasn’t exaggerating when I said you looked like a zombie, Gage. With how dead you look, you may want to go easy on seeing her again. Take a deep breath, and walk in like a normal human being.”

That was damn hard. My hands were balled into fists so I wouldn’t reach out for her, and I couldn’t even see her yet. I opened the door and walked through the living room, toward the voices in the kitchen. Cassidy laughed and it speared me to the floor. I took what felt like my first breath in two months and actually smiled. I glanced over at Dad and he patted my shoulder.

“Well, let’s go meet my future daughter-in-law.”

I punched his arm and took the last few steps before rounding the corner into the kitchen. And there she was. As perfect and beautiful as ever. “Cassidy,” I breathed.

She launched herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck, whispering into my ear. “I missed you so much, Gage.”

“I missed you too, darlin’.” God, she had no idea how much I’d missed her. I held her tight and memorized the feel of her. Trying not to be obvious, I breathed her in and relaxed even more. She was here. Really here. Squeezing her tighter, I was glad to feel even less of her ribs and shoulder blades. She’d been slowly putting on some more weight, and while she had at least another ten pounds to go, she was looking healthier and more beautiful all the time.

Tyler cleared his throat, and I reluctantly let her go. I tried not to let it show how much it hurt when she went right back to his side. Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Jim stepped up to give me hugs, and I caught Mom looking at me with wide, curious eyes. I cast a glance at Dad and saw him giving the same look at Cassidy. I knew exactly what he was thinking, because it was the same as me. How does she act like that toward me and not feel a damn thing for me?


“Yeah, Mama?” I still couldn’t take my eyes off Cassidy.

“Why don’t you go get cleaned up, you’ve been working all day.”

“All right.”

After a minute of me not moving, she spoke up again. “That was code for ‘you smell and look all kinds of tore up,’ son. Go take a shower.”

Not that I take long showers anyway, but I don’t think I’ve ever taken a faster shower than I did just then. I wanted to get back to Cassidy, had to get back to her. I was stupid for thinking I could ever get over her; if anything, this time apart had shown me how impossible that would be. I ran into the bedroom and skidded to a stop, clutching the towel around my hips.

“Whoa, Ma, seriously?”

“Now, tell me why you thought you couldn’t tell me what was going on, Gage.”

I sighed and grabbed a shirt, focusing on buttoning all the buttons before speaking. “I’m real sorry, ma’am. Until Dad made me talk about it today, I hadn’t realized I was acting any different toward y’all.”

“We have been worried sick.”

“I know, Mama.”

“Now, your father already told me everything you told him, so I won’t keep you much longer. But you know you can always talk to us.” She stood up and walked toward my door, pausing just before she shut it. “She is dang cute, Gage.”

I smiled widely at her. “I know she is.”

With a quick wink, she shut the door behind her, and I went back to frantically trying to get ready. I tried not to charge down the stairs, but it didn’t matter. She wasn’t in the house. I heard Tyler say her name and walked out the front door and about choked on a laugh when I saw her. She was staring wide eyed at my dad, who was showing Uncle Jim and Tyler his new hunting rifle. She shot a quick glance in my direction, then went right back to the rifle.

“It won’t bite you, Cass.” I smirked as I reached her side.

“It might, you don’t know that.”

“We can go shooting right now and I’ll show you they’re fine.”

Her eyes got even wider and she slowly shook her head back and forth. She still couldn’t take her eyes off the rifle and I ground my teeth when she took an involuntary step toward Tyler.

“Let’s start with something a little easier then.” I lightly touched her arm and turned her the opposite way. “It’s been a while since I promised you . . .” I trailed off and smiled when I heard her intake of breath.

I led her into the stables and over to my mare Star. She was dark chestnut brown with a white lopsided star on her forehead, and she was extremely calm. She would be perfect for Cassidy. I opened up her door and walked in, bringing Cassidy with me. Tyler stayed up against the door and didn’t say much as I let the girls meet.

I rubbed Star’s long nose as she butted my chest. “Star, this is Cassidy; Cass, this is Star.” Grabbing Cassidy’s hand, I brought her closer to the horse and she slowly reached out a hand to Star’s neck.

“Hey, Star,” she said softly. “Is she yours?” she asked as she brought her other hand up to Star’s jaw.

I nodded. “I think she’d be best for you to ride. She’s a calm girl.”

“She’s beautiful,” she breathed.

“That she is. Would you like to ride her today?”

“Can I?” Her smile was so beautiful, I’d let her do whatever she wanted.

“Let me get her ready.” I looked back at Ty. “You wanna ride Beau?”

“Sure, I’ll get him out.” Tyler looked at Cassidy, gave me a warning glare, and went over to where Amanda’s horse was.

When he was gone I grabbed Cass and hugged her tight to my body. God, I missed this. “I’m glad you’re here.”

She sighed and pressed her head into my chest. “It’s been lonely without you, Gage. I’m ready for you to come home.”

If only home wasn’t where y’all share a bed, I wouldn’t have been able to leave. I sighed and squeezed her tight before putting the saddle on Star and helping Cassidy up.

“CASSIDY.” I WHISPERED so I wouldn’t wake up Amanda from where she was on the other side of the room.

Cassidy moaned lightly and rolled onto her side, facing me.

“Cass.” After nudging her shoulder with no results, I stretched out on the small sofa bed beside her and brushed her dark hair from her face. God, I loved watching her sleep. I memorized her relaxed expression before pressing my lips softly to her cheek.

She curled into a tighter ball and sighed my name.

My heart stopped when I realized she was still asleep. She was dreaming about me. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “Wake up, darlin’,” I said as I trailed her jaw with my fingertips.

Cassidy’s eyes slowly fluttered open and widened when she saw me right in front of her. “What are you doing?” I’d expected her to freak out, but her voice, still husky from sleep, sounded almost dreamlike.