Did she think I would offer if I didn’t want to? And would it be bad if I asked what those two things had to do with each other? “Of course I will. I mean, I heard what Tyler said, but I do think you’d like the ranch. I can’t wait to take you there.” Ah, too much. Too much.

“Sounds great.” She picked up a spoon, then set it right back down and put both her hands on the counter before looking back at me. Her mouth opened and her eyebrows pulled together, then she looked into the living room at Tyler and back at me. “Dinner is about ready,” she said softly, “would you mind putting the salad on the table?”

When I turned around with the bowls, I saw Tyler staring at us and held back a sigh. I was gonna get crap for this later.

Cassidy had made crispy chicken fettuccine Alfredo, and all I could say was damn. I had to agree with Tyler that it was better than Aunt Steph’s, and it rivaled Mama’s cooking.

I stood up to help when she started clearing the dishes, but Tyler stepped in front of me before I got far. “I’m serious, man, she’s mine.”

“I heard you the first time.”

“You sure about that?”

I glanced back at Cassidy. “Yeah, I’m sure. But you’re the one who brought her here; you can’t expect me to never talk to her, or offer my help when she’s making us food. If we’re all gonna live together, you need to get over the fact that I’m gonna be friends with her.”

He remained quiet and smiled, waiting for Cassidy to return to the kitchen. “I couldn’t care less if you’re friends with her. Just don’t forget that I’m the one who’s been there for her every day for the last eleven years. Not you. I still see how you’re looking at her, I’m not fucking blind, Gage.”


“I’M KIND OF tired, I’m going to bed. Thanks for showing us around today, Gage.”

Tyler stood and walked over to me. “Want me to come with you?”

I shot a quick glance behind Ty to Gage, who was openly glaring at his cousin. “No, you guys need to catch up, I’ll see you later.”

“Sleep well, Cassidy,” Gage said.

I smiled and waved like an idiot. “Night.”

Tyler hugged me and Gage winked when I looked over Ty’s shoulder at him. Seriously, this guy was so confusing! I walked to the bathroom I shared with Tyler to wash my face and brush my teeth before slipping into some pajamas and crawling into bed. I could hear the boys talking and Gage started laughing, warming my entire body. I sighed and flipped onto my side. I didn’t understand him at all. First, he had a girlfriend, then he’d almost kissed me last night, and this morning I could have sworn he was flirting with me. Then he got upset when we wanted to go out this morning and Tyler told me that when he went to talk to him about it, Gage said he didn’t want me living here, but tonight in the kitchen he kept finding a reason to touch me and wouldn’t stop smiling at me. What the heck? I didn’t know how to even act around him.

I must have fallen asleep, because I felt a little groggy when Tyler slipped into the bed later that night.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said softly.

“It’s fine, I meant to wait up for you. I guess I was more tired than I realized.”

He pulled me close to his body and wrapped his arms around me. “You’ve had a long last three days, you needed to sleep.”

“True. Did you guys have fun talking?”

“Yeah, it’s good to see him again. It’s been a long time since we hung out.”

“I’m sorry I’m ruining that; you really shouldn’t have brought me, Ty.”

He leaned back a little so he could see my face. “Cassi, I’ll take you with me everywhere I go. And don’t worry about Gage, he’ll get over it eventually. I’m sure it’s not you that he doesn’t like, he just said it’s going to mess up his relationship with Brynn having a girl live with him.”

“I don’t want to do that.” Yes, yes, I do. I’d never experienced jealousy until I met Gage last night, and it was one ugly feeling. “When I turn eighteen, I’ll get my own place, Ty.”

“No, you won’t. He’ll get over it, and I want you with me, okay?”

I curled into his chest and nodded. “Love you.”

Tyler leaned back again and tilted my face up to his. “I love you too, Cassi.” His lips fell onto mine and I scrambled back, pushing against his chest as hard as I could.

“What the hell, Tyler?!” We slept in bed with each other, but we’d never actually kissed before.

“I’m sorry! I thought you wanted me to.”

“What? Why would I want you to?” Oh my God, seriously, what the hell just happened?!

He sighed and relaxed his hold on me. “I don’t—I don’t know what got into me. I’m sorry, that was really stupid.”

“Is that why you brought me to Texas with you?”

“No, it’s not, I swear. You’re my best friend, I would have never left you there. I’m sorry, like I said, that was really stupid.”

I crawled off the bed and grabbed my pillow. “Maybe I should sleep on the couch tonight.”

“No! Cassi, come on, don’t do that. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, it hasn’t just been a long three days for me. It’s been even longer for you. I think we’re both too tired and we aren’t thinking clearly.”

“Cass.” He sighed and got out of the bed as well. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking doing that.” He hugged me loosely and stepped back. “Please get back in bed.”

“It’s all right, I promise. I’m just going to sleep out there tonight—I think it would be best for us. I’ll be back in here tomorrow, okay?”

“I’ll go out there, you can stay in the bed.”

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him onto the bed. “I’m way shorter than you; that couch was practically made for me. Good night, Ty, see you in the morning.”

Chapter Three


I COULDN’T SLEEP. I already hated thinking about what probably happened between Tyler and Cassidy, but having Tyler tell me he was about to go screw her made it that much worse. I’m sorry, not screw her, bang her. Like it was no big deal, just announced, “I’m gonna go bang my girl,” and left without another word. A girl like Cassidy needs to be loved and worshipped, not banged. I knew he was just trying to get a rise out of me—I doubted he’d treat her with such little respect to her face—but I fell right into his trap, ’cause now there I was wearing a freakin’ hole in my floor pacing back and forth. And what happened during dinner? I thought I’d been making progress in the kitchen, she’d started flirting with me again, bantering back and forth and smiling like I was the most interesting person she’d ever talked to. Then dinner started and she went right back to being polite and uninterested. I swear I was getting whiplash with this girl.

After taking a calming breath, I headed out into the kitchen so I could grab some water. I tried not to, but my eyes betrayed me and flashed over to their door. I was itching to knock it down and drag her to my bed; I didn’t want him touching her at all. Dear Lord, since when did I get this possessive over a girl? I was about to go caveman on Ty’s ass and put my claim on her. Turning away from the door, I almost choked when I saw sweet Cassidy curled up asleep on the couch. After downing the rest of the water, I walked quietly into the living room and smiled at the sight of her. She had her arms and legs inside what must have been one of Tyler’s shirts, and was curled into a tight ball in the corner of the couch.

Part of me was happy because I didn’t think she’d come out here after having sex with Ty; the rest was annoyed that he’d done something to upset her enough that she felt like she needed to sleep out here. I called her name and touched her shoulder gently; when she didn’t respond I picked her up and carried her to my room. She was a small girl anyway, but I’d lifted hay bales heavier than her, and I was feeling too many bones. I didn’t even want to think about how her spine and shoulder blades had jutted out in those pictures. Whether she wasn’t allowed to cook often or didn’t have enough food in the house, she’d obviously missed too many meals. I’d have to make sure we always had enough food here; Cassidy needed to put on at least twenty more pounds just to look healthy.

Flipping back the comforter on my bed, I lowered her to the mattress and pulled the covers back over her. Her hair had fallen in her face, and I tucked it behind her ear so I could see her better. God, she was beautiful. I was aching to slide into the bed with her and hold her all night, but I’d probably be woken up by either her or Tyler punching me. Afraid she’d wake up and see me starin’ at her, I walked to my dresser and changed into some workout shorts and headed out to the couch. I almost groaned out loud when I lay down and was surrounded in her scent trapped in the pillow. How did Ty fall asleep with her in his bed every night? I could barely relax just thinking about her in my bed, and we were separated by a few walls.

“GAGE.” I FELT a hand on my arm. “Gage.” This was a better dream than most; I swore I could smell her sweet scent in this one. “Gage, you gotta wake up!”

The pillow slipped out from under me and my head hit the hard arm of the couch. “What the fuck?” My eyes flew open and I saw Cassidy standing right in front of me, clutching her pillow to her chest. “Oh, Cass, I’m sorry.”

She rolled her eyes and smiled. “For the last time, your cussing doesn’t offend me.”

Yeah, but once again, Mama would smack me upside the head for even saying that in front of a girl. I smiled back. “Mornin’.”

“Ty’s going to wake up soon, you need to get up. I swear, Gage, you have got to stop putting me in your bed. One of these times he’s going to find out you do that and he’ll be mad.”