“So he struggled for a bit at first, but once his half of the earnings started coming in he picked his life back up and repaid me for what I’d paid to get him into the town house. As for Isabella, I didn’t take care of her medical bills; Gage and I did. Don’t know if Jesse knows that, don’t know if Isabella knows that, but I’d doubt it. He called to tell me what he was going to do, and knowing he was going to graduate soon and would be starting a life with you, I didn’t want him blowing all his money again, even if it was for a great reason. I knew y’all would have to furnish y’all’s house soon and other things like that, so we split it just like we split the business. As for the house, Cassi, sweetheart, you can thank me all damn day, but that house is on Gage’s half of the property. And like I said earlier, y’all get married, half this ranch will be yours until he buys the rest of it from me.”

I heard movement and I turned to see Gage leaning up against a wall not far from us. His green eyes were on me and it looked like he was fighting a smile since his dimples were showing. God, I loved those dimples.

He walked toward me and put himself between my legs, planting a hand on either side of me.

“So that’s why the town house furniture wasn’t yours . . . because you’d just bought half the ranch?” Gage just nodded so I kept talking. “Well, I have money now; I can pay for us to furnish our house.”

“Darlin’,” he said with a laugh, “I have money to furnish the house, I just didn’t a year ago. But now that half is mine, I actually make money from the business, not from working as a ranch hand. Promise you, sweetheart, it’s a lot better.” He kissed my lips softly and pulled me closer to him. “Tomorrow, we’re going to get everything we need for the house, ’cause I’m not spending another night after tonight without you.”

Tessa clucked her tongue. “You furnish that house, Gage Carson, because you’ll be stayin’ in it and Cassidy will be stayin’ here ’til y’all get married.”

Gage’s body froze and he turned his head slowly to look at his mom. Before he could say anything she spoke up again.

“And don’t try any hanky-panky either. This may be half your land now, and that may be your house. But I am your mother and I am not lettin’ no hanky-panky go on between the two of y’all before you’re wed.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said softly.

“Mama, we’ve already been living together.”

“Nu-uh, not under my roof. And before you say that’s your roof, don’t think I won’t come after you with a wooden spoon, Gage Michael Carson! I don’t care if you’re grown. You’re still my son, you’re not married, and you’re gonna do right by that sweet girl. So, all funny business stops right now, you hear me?”

“Dad, is she serious?”

John shrugged. “I argue with your mama, I sleep on the couch and she doesn’t feed me. So I don’t argue with your mama.”

I laughed out loud at that, but Gage still stood there with a horrified expression. It’s not like we hadn’t gone almost two years of being in love without having sex; we could go . . . however long until we got married. I pushed on his chest. “You heard your mama, step back, no funny business.” When I finally pushed him far enough, I closed my legs so he couldn’t step back between them and gave him a sly smile.

“Knew I loved that girl for a reason,” Tessa muttered as she went back to chopping. “Got a problem with it, son, I suggest you marry her.”

“Ma, I’m gonna marry her. Y’all just aren’t giving me a second to even propose; I just got her back today. I gotta make up for two weeks of thinkin’ she was gone first before I can get my head on straight again.”

My heart fluttered at that . . . Am I ready to marry Gage? I’m only nineteen. But Connor was right, my life had caused me to grow up fast, and I’d never felt fully comfortable with people my age unless it was Tyler. I wasn’t looking for college experiences, clubs on the weekends and flings with random guys. I’d found everything I would ever want the day I met Gage. So was I ready to marry him? Um, yes. Yes, I was. I grabbed his shirt and brought him close to kiss him softly once. “Get to bed, baby, you haven’t slept in a long time. I love you, sleep well.”

He smiled that heartbreaking smile and his green eyes lit up before he touched his lips to mine again, then my forehead. With a heavy sigh and frustrated look he turned toward the living room. “You gotta be kidding me. Can’t even sleep next to my girl?” He drawled, “Mama, you better be able to get a wedding together real quick.”

“Just give me the date.”

“Like . . . yesterday,” he said, clearly still frustrated.

“Will do, honey, sleep good.” Tessa turned to wink at me and looked suspiciously at my hand. “Did he propose? Did I miss something?”

I shook my head twice.

“He better get on with it then. That’s gonna be one frustrated boy until y’all are married.”

I nodded my head twice.

Tessa and I looked at each other for a moment and then burst into laughter.

“At least y’all can find it funny,” John said as he snagged another bell pepper. “Poor boy’s gonna go crazy and he’s gonna be hell to work with ’til then.”

Well, we couldn’t have that, now, could we? They thought Gage couldn’t last? Hell, I wouldn’t last. Hopping off the counter, I finally got that glass of water, drank it, and cleaned the glass before hugging both of them and calling out good-nights. After getting ready for bed, I talked to Amanda about Jesse for almost an hour before she passed out and I made my way to the sofa bed in her room, so ready to sleep. It had been a long, emotional day and I was so exhausted I didn’t think I’d be able to get the covers over me.

It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes later that I was woken up by Gage crawling into bed beside me and pulling me into his arms.

“Gage, your mom—”

“Darlin’, I need you in my arms tonight. I didn’t just miss sleep last night; it’s been a long two weeks.” He kissed the top of my head softly and curled his arms tighter around me. “Night, Cass, love you,” Gage managed to mumble before he fell asleep.

Seconds later, I followed him into the best sleep of my life.


I burrowed my head farther into Gage’s chest and groaned. Too. Early.

He laughed and kissed a line along my jaw. “Gotta start my day. I’ll see you when I’m done.”

“You’re leaving already?” I turned to look out the window; it was barely turning gray outside. “Mmkay, Gage. Come back soon.”

“It’ll be a short day since Isabella and Jesse are here. Just gonna feed everyone, make sure none of the cattle broke any of the fences last night, and we’ll be back.” He trailed his fingers between my thighs and kissed me thoroughly, catching my moan.

“Not nice,” I grumbled when he pulled away chuckling.

“Go back to sleep, Cassidy.”

Rolling onto my back so I could look up at him, I pulled his lips down to mine one last time. “I’ll see you when you get back.”

TWO DAYS LATER I was in the kitchen with Tessa and Amanda, and we’d just finished lunch and were already working on dinner and dessert. Well, Tessa and I were; Amanda was focused on her phone. Ever since Isabella and Jesse had gone home yesterday morning, I hadn’t seen her set her phone down once. I’d finally gotten to have that talk with Isabella, and before I even got the full question out she was already answering.

“Oh, darling girl, I just knew I would see him find his other half before I went. I can now die knowing he’ll be taken care of.”

It seemed kind of morbid, but Isabella was thrilled, so I kept the smile plastered to my face. Later that day I’d accidently walked in on Jesse and Amanda making out in the laundry room. They were so into each other they didn’t even notice me walk in or step back out. But that night sure as hell was awkward, and they noticed that. I’d fallen asleep after spending another hour talking to Amanda about Jesse and was expecting to be woken up by Gage crawling into bed with me again as he had the night before. I’d been woken up by Gage all right, just not by his getting in the bed.

“WHAT THE FUCK? Get off my sister!” Gage’s voice boomed through the room.

I sat up quickly in bed, just in time to see Jesse scramble off Amanda’s bed and Amanda looking mortified that her big brother had just caught her. I scanned both of them and saw their clothes were on and mostly straight, so they couldn’t have been doing much of anything.

“Outside,” Gage barked. “Now.”

“Gage, no, no! Please don’t!” Amanda pleaded, and looked toward me for help.

Jesse just looked like a man who was about to face his executioner.

“Gage,” I whispered, but he pushed Jesse out of the bedroom door and shut it behind them.

“No!” Amanda whispered loudly. “Cassidy, please don’t let him do anything to Jesse!” She was struggling with her comforter, trying to get out from underneath it so she could follow them, but I stopped her.

“Stay here, Amanda, I got it.”

“Please, Cassidy, we were just kissing, I swear.”

“I know.” I smiled and left the room. Not like Gage could say much anyway. Amanda was a month older than me, and we were obviously doing much more than kissing. Looking down the hall and listening for raised voices, I tiptoed down the stairs and walked outside until I found the boys and sighed.

“ . . . my girl, and then you go for my sister? Are you insane? I don’t like you and I sure as hell don’t want you touching her.”

“Gage, man, just listen to me, it’s not like that with her—”

“No. You’ll stay away, get it?”

“I can’t,” Jesse said with an exasperated sigh.