Nix shook his head. “It’s not you.”

“That’s the worst line ever. Is this the part where you tell me you were raised by a homophobic father with abusive tendencies?”

“Something like that.”

Well, shit. He’d only been half serious, but studying Nix’s miserable expression, he could see he’d hit closer to home than his mate would’ve liked. “Will you tell me about it?” he encouraged softly.

Silence. Then, after a moment, Nix said, “Not right now. My main concern is making sure you rest and finish healing. There’s time later for all the getting-to-know-each-other stuff.”

“Is there?”


Noah wondered about that. Given wolf-shifter biology, at some point Nix would grow weak and sick from not claiming his Bondmate. In fact, it should’ve started already. Time was one thing that should not be on their side.

What the hell was going on?

“Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here,” Noah said, instead of pushing the issue. He couldn’t force Nix into anything. That wouldn’t end well for either of them. “Any idea when the doc is springing me?”

Nix looked relieved at the change of subject. “She told me she’d release you tomorrow if everything checks out.”

“That’s good. Then I guess I can go back to work the day after tomorrow.”

“Um, no. She said you need a few days to rest, and I plan to make sure you follow orders.”

“Oh? And just how do you plan on doing that?”

Nix’s sexy grin took Noah’s breath away. “By not letting you out of my sight. You’re staying in my quarters, with me.”


“You got a problem with that?”

A problem? With his mate taking charge—finally, thank fuck!—and showing him how much he cared? Not freaking likely!

“No, I don’t have a problem with it. But are you sure you won’t have an issue with us being in such close proximity?”

“You can take the bedroom, I’ll take the sofa.” Nix shrugged. “No big deal.”

Hurt speared Noah and he struggled not to show it. “Whatever.”

“Good, it’s settled. I’ll be back later to check on you.”

But Nix didn’t stand up to leave. Instead, he hesitated, then leaned over, closed the short distance between them . . .

And melded their lips together.

The impact was like a solar flare detonated inside him. Sweet baby Jesus! God, the man could kiss. He demonstrated just how awesome he was at it as he slowly took charge of Noah’s mouth, tongue slipping past his lips to explore. Nix’s hand cupped Noah’s cheek, and Noah leaned into his touch, almost whimpering with the need for more as he buried a hand in his mate’s long hair.

All too soon, Nix pulled back, breaking the kiss. But his thumb was stroking Noah’s face, and the look in his eyes was pure fire. For about five beautiful seconds, this was the man Noah longed for as his life partner. The self-assured partner who’d love, desire, and cherish him above all others.

Then Nix retracted his hand and the doubt crept back in, shadowing his eyes. Whatever, or whoever, had put that look there, Nix’s reactions represented a lifetime of suppressing who he was meant to be. Noah really had his work cut out for him.

“I gotta go.” Nix eased back and stood. He looked like a wolf with his paw caught in a bear trap.

“Okay. See you later.” Noah gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
