Noah, stop! he shouted through their bond. Wait for me!

But they’d never taken the final step, and Nix hadn’t claimed him, so Noah couldn’t hear him as clearly as he should. His poor mate thought he was hearing things.

Put the gun down! I’m coming!

Just a little farther. He had to make it in time.

Finally he burst into the clearing, where the sight of his mate kneeling beside the creek nearly stopped his heart.

Halting, he shifted back to human form and eased forward slowly. “Noah.”

No response. “Noah, baby. Put the gun down, please.”

One slip of his mate’s finger, and it was over. They’d be lost to each other forever.

No. He was not going to lose Noah.

* * *


At first, he thought he was dreaming.

“Noah, baby,” a soft voice whispered. “Put the gun down, please.”

Blinking, he couldn’t believe his eyes. “Nix?”

“Didn’t I tell you to believe in me? In us? You promised.” His mate’s sexy smile was his undoing.

“You’re here? Oh, God.” The gun fell from his grasp to the soft earth.

Noah’s face crumpled, and the tears he’d believed to be gone returned full force. But this time he was wrapped in his mate’s arms as they cried together. “How?”

“I needed time to heal, honey. I was literally buried in the ashes of the old house, and the process was painfully slow. It really was like the old witch said, a phoenix rising from the ashes to be reborn. I’m sorry it took so long.”

“I can’t believe you’re here.” He pulled back, staring at his mate in wonder. “I’m so sorry for doubting—”

“No, I’m sorry for treating you like shit that day at the barbeque. I was scared, but that’s no excuse. Can you ever forgive me?”

Noah’s laugh escaped as a sob. “Of course I do. Just don’t leave me again, ever.”


Nix pushed the gun a good distance away, and gently stripped his mate. There was no need for words this time, no question that he would make Noah his now, for keeps.

As Nix pressed him into the ground, covering him with his body, Noah clung to him and breathed in his scent. Felt his warmth. His mate was really alive, really here. All his.

He groaned in pleasure as Nix’s length entered him with care. He worked his way deep, making love to Noah, slow and easy. Then increasing in tempo until their passion carried them over the edge.

Just as they climaxed, Noah tilted his head to the side. This time, his mate wasted no time taking him up on the invitation. He cried out as Nix’s fangs clamped down on the tender spot, marking him. His. At last. I belong to Nix.

Yes, you do.

The golden thread that had always been there came back to life, hummed in vitality. Strengthened and snapped into place with a burst of brilliant light. A second orgasm rocked them, and Noah cried out again, his joy complete.

“Thank God you came home when you did.”

Nix propped himself on his elbows and gazed down at Noah through a fall of silky hair. “Yes. We were meant to be.”