“But you were just a kid!” Jacee was horrified.

“You see why I needed time? I was rescued by Prince Tarron’s men, brought here to heal. Then I learn you’re here, successful and mated to a handsome wolf who’s part of this really cool team, and I just felt like this broken, used-up thing.”

“Baby, you’re anything but. You’re beautiful and strong. And we’re going to help you heal, every step of the way.”

“We?” That one word was full of hope.

“Yes, we. Will you stay?”

“At the compound, yes. But I’ll ask Nick for my own room once I’m released from Sanctuary. I’m not going to intrude when you’re newly mated, and that’s final. And before you protest, I really don’t want to hear you guys going at it, so yeah. My own place.”

Jacee blushed. “Well, when you put it like that . . .”

“But I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere for the time being. That’s the important thing.”

“Yes, it is.” They hugged again, until a shadow loomed over them.

“Did I give you enough time to recover from my surprise?”

Jacee smiled up at her wonderful mate. “I don’t know if I’ll ever quite recover from this one, but you’re forgiven. Forever.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that.” He smiled at Faith. “How about we introduce you to some of our friends?”

She smiled shyly. “I’d like that.”

For someone who’d spent the last few years trapped in her own special brand of hell, Faith was very good with people, and they loved her right away.

Especially a certain vampire prince, who couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her.

Jacee filed that information away for another day.

She was so happy and couldn’t remember when she’d ever felt so blessed. After Faith had gone back to her room at Sanctuary, and the party died down, Jacee finally stole her mate away and showed him just how happy she was.

They made love long into night.

“Micah?” she murmured later. “When we build our house, c

an Faith live there if she wants?”

“Yes, sweetheart.” He kissed her lips. “She’s family. She can stay with us, if she wants, or wherever, as long as she wants. Don’t you know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you happy?”

She did know.

And she planned to spend the rest of her life making her wolf smile, too.

Several weeks later . . .

* * *

Cold. So cold. Thirsty.


Can’t make it.

Yes, you can. One more step.

Another. Keep going.