And Sariel reduced the unfortunate man to a puff of smoke with the flick of a wrist.

“Hunter and rogue vermin,” his steady voice proclaimed. “For your crimes against my friends and family, who’ve never done you any harm, I sentence you to death. Go to the devil, if he’ll have you. I really don’t care.”

With that, his arm swept out and blue fire shot like a torch from the palm of his hand. Everyone hit the ground, friend and foe alike, but the fire only incinerated their enemy. Men screamed, their voices cut mercifully short. Probably a kinder end than they’d deserved—except for the fear they’d experienced while staring at Sariel in shocked awe.

That they’d deserved in spades.

When the cries finally died, the blue flames gentled. They danced among the wreckage, and touched the fallen. Caressed them with care, almost lovingly. Nick’s throat grew tight, thinking it was a fitting good-bye to those they’d lost.

And then everyone the flame touched began to stir, and come around with a groan.

“Holy fucking shit,” John whispered.

“Nick,” Calla said, fingers digging into his fur. “He’s—he saved them. Gods, he’s saved them all!”

It was true. The injured and formerly dead began to rise, looking down at their whole, uninjured bodies. Patting themselves in disbelief, looking around them with wide eyes.

Uncaring of his nakedness, Nick shifted back. A slow smile spread across his face as Aric, Jax, Ryon, and Micah came into view. Whole and without a scratch, and totally dumbfounded.

“Nick, what the fuck just happened?” said Jax.

“Sariel just saved our collective asses—that’s what.” He’d never forget the sight as long as he lived.

Or his debt to the Fae prince.

Calla flung her arms around him, squealing as her confused brother stepped through the hole in the rock. “Tarron’s okay, too!”

“I think so,” her brother said, walking over. “Jesus, this is unbelievable. Your Fae prince wiped them out.”

“That I did,” Sariel said, landing in the middle of the group with a flutter of wings.

“I don’t know how to thank you,” Tarron said, getting emotional. “You saved my coven. My family.”

“And mine,” Sariel pointed out.

“Still, I know what using that kind of power must’ve cost you. So thank you.” It was all Nick could think of to say.

“I’m all right. I’m a lover, not a fighter,” the Fae quipped, “but when I’m called, I’ll come. Especially for those I love.”

Nick clapped a hand on Sariel’s shoulder as his friend went on.

“In my own realm, I’d be executed for what I just did,” Sariel said with a half smile. “I’m not allowed to interfere with destiny any more than you are, Commander. But I’d do it again in a second. Know that.”

“Thank you,” Nick said again. “I don’t know how we’ll ever repay you.”

“I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

With that, the Fae prince spread his wings and took to the sky, bound for home.

Nick couldn’t wait to do that as well. Wherever home was going to be for him and Calla, he didn’t care.

As long as he was with his mate, nothing else mattered.

But the next words out of John’s mouth gave Nick pause.

“Hey, where’s Kalen? I see everybody but him.”

Nick frowned. “I haven’t seen him since he was battling with Jinn.”