“How do you feel?” she asked, smoothing back his hair to peer into his face.

“I’m good. No, fantastic.” Rolling onto his back, he pulled Calla with him, his arms steel bands around her. Can you still hear me? he pushed into her head.

Yes, she thought back, then giggled.

“I heard you,” he said.

“It works!”

“That it does.” He couldn’t be happier, or prouder, of his mate.

She sighed in contentment, settling her head onto his shoulder.

They stayed entwined for a long while, basking in the glow of their lovemaking, reveling in their mating. They touched constantly, spoke in low tones, reliving the moment she’d claimed him. It was beautiful to him, and he made sure she knew it.


“Hmm?” She lifted her head to peer into his face. Maybe she sensed what he was going to say before the words left his mouth.

“I love you.”

Her eyes misted with tears as she smiled and stroked his hair. “I love you, too. So much.”

The entire night was more than he’d ever dared to dream. He’d hold on to this feeling with both hands, as long as he could.

Until the day he stopped breathing.

* * *

Holding Nick’s hand, Calla walked with him toward the dining room. She couldn’t be prouder to be at her mate’s side.

Word had spread like wildfire this morning that their bonding was complete, and official. All it took was for one vampire to spot the mark she’d left on his neck, and the news spread almost as fast as if she’d posted it on the Internet. Gossipy vampires. For once, she didn’t mind.

Now it was lunchtime, and as they walked in, conversation ground to a halt. Then the clapping started and her wolf commander grinned sheepishly at his new extended family before following her to Tarron’s table. Her brother was sitting with Ian and Teague, and the two were in deep discussion as she and Nick sat down.

“I’m searching as fast as I can,” Teague was saying to Tarron. “I’ll find that account and what Graham sent. I just need a little more time.”

“That’s a luxury we don’t have at the moment,” Tarron snapped. “Don’t give me excuses. Just do your fucking job.”

Teague flinched, mouth pressing tightly closed in anger and embarrassment. Calla’s brows rose. She wouldn’t dare correct her brother in front of their coven, but she could make her irritation patently clear without words. When he met her gaze, she made sure her expression was as glacial as possible. He blinked at her, and then looked down at his plate of fish and chips as though it held the answers.

When he raised his head, he met Teague’s gaze straight on and apologized. “I’m sorry. The tension is getting to all of us, trying to figure out what they have planned, and I took it out on you. Forgive me.”

The tech’s expression eased. “No problem, man. It’s all good.”

Calla couldn’t help but grin. Only Tarron’s inner circle of good and trusted friends could get away with addressing him so informally, or not even think of refusing his apology. Lunch proceeded without further unpleasantness.

Until Nick’s cell phone rang. “Sorry about that,” he said, pulling it out. “I know it’s not polite to answer your phone at the table, but with everything that’s been going on . . .”

Tarron was in the same boat, so everyone understood. Calla heard Nick greet Selene, clearly happy to hear from his daughter, and she relaxed. The feeling vanished, however, when he paled and pushed back from the table.

“What?” he barked, his fork clattering to his plate. “How bad is he?”

She and Tarron exchanged a look of alarm as Nick paused. Leaning in, she touched her mate’s arm, lending silent support as they listened.

Nick stood, expression filled with rage. “I’ll be there as quickly as I can. Hang on, honey. I’m coming.”

As soon as he ended the call, she stood as well and took his hand. “Who’s hurt, my love? Is it Zander?”