The nurse’s face flushed and he looked pleased. “Well, thanks. I’ve got lots of help, though.”

A familiar tingling sensation began in Nick’s fingers where they gripped Noah’s shoulder. It was one of the hallmarks of a vision coming on, though he didn’t need to touch people or even be near them to “see” a glimpse into the future. His eyesight swam, and a buzzing overtook his brain. Then the corridor disappeared and the scene unfolded.

“He’s gone?” Phoenix glanced around at his Pack brothers in confusion. “Where did he go? When’s he coming back?”

“He left, idiot,” Aric snarled, eyeing Nix in disgust. “Did you really think he’d stay after what you did to him in front of everyone?”

“I—I was going to apologize! That’s why I’m looking for him!” His voice took on a desperate edge. “Is he staying in Cody? It doesn’t matter. I’ll find him and make him understand how sorry I am. I’ll—”

“There’s more,” Jax put in, his expression grim. “Noah’s been taken.”

“Taken . . .” Nix uttered the word, obviously trying to make sense of it.

“He was kidnapped, by Jinn. I’m sorry, man. But we’ll find him. I promise.”

“No,” he moaned in agony. His legs buckled and Aric grabbed him to keep him from hitting the ground. “God, no.”

The vision faded, though Nick tried to hang on to it. He became aware of his surroundings again, and the other men’s voices asking whether he was all right.

“I’m fine,” he said hoarsely, trying to clear his head.

Here was the part that sucked about being a PreCog—the urge to tell people what was in store for them. His general rule, though, was to be vigilant but never to tamper with the future.

And who the hell was Jinn?

“You sure you’re okay?” Noah asked, grabbing his wrist to check his pulse. “You’re kinda pale.”

“I’m good.” He took his hand back and gave the nurse a reassuring smile. “Anyway, I was making a point. Never sell yourself short. The work you do here is tough, and it’s important. Utilizing your team is essential to success, and that’s something you excel in—which is why you’re in charge of the nurses. Don’t forget that.”

Noah stood a bit straighter. “I won’t. Thanks, Nick.”

“We’ll let you get back to work,” he said. “Call if you need us.”

“I will.”

He thought about giving Noah a small pep talk about his would-be Bondmate, but decided against it for the time being. Besides, who was he to give anyone warm fuzzies on that subject?

As he and Hammer left the building, he said, “Listen, I’m going to go for a run. When I get back, let me know what you found out about Tom.”

“I will.”

But instead of veering off, his friend walked with him all the way to the back of the compound, where the forest began. When Nick stopped, Hammer was quiet a moment before he spoke.

“You get a vision back there?”

“Yeah.” He debated whether to reveal what he’d seen. But what if he wasn’t around to help the would-be mates through their trials? Someone should know. “Phoenix and Noah. They’re going to have it rough for a while. Not sure when, but some bad shit is coming, too.”

His friend frowned. “Like what? You talkin’ in general, or something specific?”

“The bad shit is someone named Jinn, and he’s going to kidnap Noah.” He ran a hand through his hair. “That’s all I know.”

“Jesus,” the big man muttered. “That’s more detail than you’ve ever let me in on before. Why?”

“I just felt you should know.”

“What for? What I am supposed to do that you can’t— Wait.” Then Hammer narrowed his icy blue eyes at Nick. “You’ve been trying to shake me off your tail all day, and now this. I know what you’re planning to do.”

“I don’t follow.” But he did, of course.