She was still alone, and to make matters worse, she was hungry. The burning in her gut wouldn’t be denied. Though she didn’t want anyone but her mate, she had to feed or be sick. At least they hadn’t officially mated yet, or she’d be forced to starve.

With a shudder, she dressed in comfortable sweats and a T-shirt. Screw it. She wasn’t going back to Tarron’s gathering. Once she was clothed, she used her cell phone to call one of her favorite guards, who was always happy to serve as her donor. She would survive, day by day.

Nick would be hers. Somehow, she would help him through his nightmare so they could be together.

She was sure of it.

* * *

From the safety of the trees, the vampire watched the commander fuck his fiery princess.

He’d been careful to make certain he stayed downwind, to avoid being detected by the wolf’s superior sense of smell. Picking his way soundlessly after them, he’d remained hidden as the wolf had pressed Calla to the ground. Even he was shocked, thinking the wolf intended to take her in animal form.

Actually, he was disappointed when the wolf had shifted back. Damn his own kinky black heart.

Disappointment was quickly forgotten, however, as the two had proceeded to the waterfall to engage in a scorching scene he was surprised hadn’t boiled the water. When Westfall had turned the woman to face the rock and plunged inside her, the vampire’s own cock had turned to steel in his pants.

Oh, he watched. Every thrust and moan. Every single cry of pleasure. He stood there panting with equal parts longing and hatred, until the commander reached a magnificent finish, emptying himself inside the one who was, quite possibly, his mate.

Then he listened to every word of their postcoital conversation and smiled. Trouble in paradise before the mating even happened? Fucking perfect. He couldn’t have hoped for a better scenario. The best revenge of all had fallen right into his hands, and he hadn’t lifted a finger.

After the couple had gone, the vampire freed his rampant erection. Gripped it in a tight fist and stroked himself quickly to orgasm, his seed pumping onto the grass. It was a cold, lonely release.

And the blame rested on the commander and his wolves. On Tarron and his men as well.

He’d pay them back for destroying what was his. Very soon.

As he tucked himself back in and zipped his pants, he heard a noise coming from the trail. Seeing that it was Jinn, he stepped from his hiding place.

“I’ve been looking for you,” Jinn said, eyeing him. “I saw Westfall walking back inside, but he didn’t see me. Did you learn anything?”

“Oh, yes, I did.”

Quickly, he outlined what he’d seen and heard—especially the enlightening chat between the lovers at the end. Then he instructed Jinn on what course of action they would take next.

“I know I can trust you to carry out my wishes,” he said gravely.

Jinn nodded. “To the letter, Master. I won’t fail you.”

“See that you don’t. And keep your involvement a secret, for now. No need to tip our hand too soon.”

“As you wish


“Let us rejoin the gathering. Separately, of course.”

“Yes, of course.”

Resisting the urge to shake his head, the vampire left the Sorcerer standing in the path and made his way back to the stronghold. He could practically feel Jinn’s eyes burning a hole in his back, his devotion palpable. Yes, that was what love did.

It left you alone, and miserable.

With any luck, for Jinn that message would hit home far too late. After he’d served his purpose.

Nobody noticed when he slipped back into the party. Nobody particularly cared about his presence. But that would change, and they would all wish they’d paid more attention.

Especially when he and his men laughed at their screams and bathed in their blood.