She nodded and allowed him to execute the cut, then quickly held her wrist over the commander’s chest and let the life-giving fluid flow into the wound. The effects were immediate. The ragged flesh began to return to a healthy pink, and slowly knitted together from the inside out. Nick’s face was still pale, his body still, but the worry that he’d die gradually drained away.

“Thank you,” she said to whatever power had kept him alive until he got here.

Noah laid a hand on her arm, and gave her an understanding smile. “Why don’t you wait down the hall with your brother while we finish up and get him situated in a room? I promise someone will come and get you as soon as possible.”

It really wasn’t a request. Now that the danger was past, they needed her out of the way. Reluctantly she agreed and, after taking one last look at Nick to reassure herself he was breathing, walked to the waiting room.

Tarron stood the instant she went inside. “How is he?”

Her voice trembled as the adrenaline left in a rush and reality set in. “He’ll be okay. We almost lost him.”

“‘We’?” Never one to miss a thing, her brother arched a brow. “He’s a friend, but he’s not part of our coven, Calla. Why ‘we’? Who is Nick to you?”

She looked around the waiting area. “Where’s Nick’s daughter?”

“Her mate came for her and he insisted on taking her for a walk to calm her nerves. Now, tell me what’s going on.”

“Selene and Zan won’t have gone far. This isn’t really the time or place to—”

“Sit down. We’re going to finish that discussion we didn’t have time for earlier, and you’re going to tell me what the hell is going on.”

She knew that he loved her, and that he meant well. But right now he was taking the high-handed attitude of a ruler instead of the gentle caring of her brother. It seriously pissed her off.

“No,” she said coolly. “I’m not. Frankly, there isn’t much to tell at the moment, and even if there were, my relationship with Nick is none of your business.”

Of course, he pounced on her slip. “So there is a relationship.” He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Damn, you never do anything by half.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She glared at him.

“He’s a wolf, sis. They’re totally different from us, and I don’t mean that in an elitist way before you accuse me of that.” He waved a hand to indicate the entire hospital, perhaps the whole compound. “They’re warriors. They live dangerous lives, twenty-four/seven. Is this what you want for the rest of eternity? Constant terror for a man who might never come home?”

“Stefano was a quiet, cultured man who lived a peaceful existence,” she said quietly. “But that didn’t exactly save him from the hunters, did it?”

Her brother sucked in a breath as though she’d punched him. “I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you.”

“I know.” Her anger subsided and her heart swelled with love for him. Still, she had to be firm or he’d pry until he wormed the truth from her before she was ready to talk. “Worry all you want, but trust me, will you? Let me work things out for myself and then I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

“Just don’t shut me out, please. That’s all I ask.”

“I wouldn’t, unless you forced me to.”

He opened his arms and she walked into them, thankful their disagreement hadn’t turned into a bigger fight. She hated being at odds with someone she loved so much, especially Tarron.

Selene returned with Zan, and Calla related that all had gone as well as it could with her father in the OR. The woman slumped with relief against her mate’s side and he put an arm around her, kissing her cheek.

“I don’t know what I would do without him,” Selene said softly. “He and I have had a rough time getting reacquainted, but I can’t imagine him not being here.”

“He told me a bit about it.” When Selene’s eyes widened, Calla thought maybe she should’ve kept her mouth shut. “He didn’t go into all the details, just that he has a lot of regrets about the past. I know he’s in a great deal of pain.”

“He told you that?”

“Not in so many words, but his feelings were quite clear.” Somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to reveal to Nick’s daughter and her mate that she’d discovered the commander thinking of shoving a dagger into his own heart to escape his agony—not just over his past, but also because of his recent ordeal.

That would remain between him and Calla unless Nick chose to share it.

Just then, Noah stuck his head in the door and addressed Selene. “We’ve got your dad in a room if you want to sit with him for a while.”

“Yes! Thank you.”