Holy crap. Did Nick really have that kind of clout? The Feds eyed Nick’s stony expression for a few tense moments, seemed to buy it, and reluctantly backed off. Once they’d moved off to stand elsewhere and act official—translation, be completely useless—the commander turned to a tall, beefy rancher who’d been hovering on the perimeter of the gathering, weathered face grim under the brim of his hat, broad shoulders drooping with the weight of what had occurred on his property. Zan pegged him as either the owner or the foreman.

Taking off his hat to scratch his head, the rancher also looked plenty baffled. “I don’t understand why the government sent damned near two dozen people to investigate poor Saul’s murder, unless you’re looking for a serial killer or something. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here.”

“We’re looking for a specific type of killer,” Nick informed him, before fudging the truth. A lot. “There have been a rash of cult killings, and this murder fits the pattern. We came as soon as we heard.”

“That was damned fast, but I’m grateful. Sure might take a military group to stop a bunch of cult crazies.” The rancher eyed Nick, then the team in general. “I’m Tim Edwards, by the way. What do you need me to do?”

“I need use of a couple of trucks, if you have any to spare. We want to look around the area where the cattle and your hand were found.”

“Sure. I’ll send a couple of my men out to show you—”

Nick shook his head. “Just to tell us. We can find it. I’d rather not put more of your men in unnecessary danger when the culprits are still at large.”

Zan tried to imagine what the rancher would do if he knew that the team could simply sniff out the murder scenes with their canine noses when they got close enough. That would probably finish off the poor guy.

Thankfully, the rancher seemed to agree with Nick’s plan. “That’s fine. I’ve got three trucks that belong to the Bar K ya’ll can use if you promise to bring ’em back in one piece.”

“Thank you. We’ll do our best.”

Zan fell into step with his Pack as they walked the rest of the way to the main house. The mood was somber, rugged-looking men milling around not knowing what to do and clearly uneasy with the recent events. He spotted more than one cowboy with reddened eyes and knew their fellow hand’s murder must’ve hit them hard. Zan could empathize with the horror of losing a close friend to violence.

None too soon, they’d gotten directions, borrowed the trucks, and were on their way to investigate the sites where the bodies were found. He felt a little guilty for his relief at leaving the heavy cloud of grief behind him and getting on with doing what they did best.

The lead truck followed a well-worn dirt road for a mile or so before veering into the pasture. After it had traveled about forty yards, it came to a halt and the vehicles behind it did the same. Everyone got out and trailed Nick to a pair of bloated carcasses on the ground a few feet away. Zan wrinkled his nose at the stench.


The bodies of the cattle were stiff, getting ripe. Each one’s throat was laid wide open, the wound sort of messy, the meat chewed.

Micah pointed. “Not what I’d expect from a vampire bite. They don’t typically ravage their victims like that when they feed.”

“But I can scent them all over the place,” Zan put in. His lupine sense of smell was one of the traits that hadn’t deserted him yet. “Definitely a vampire kill.”

There were nods of agreement. Nick squatted, his blue eyes narrowed. “These rogues are out of control. Not that we didn’t realize that—they’ve killed a human out in the open—but this is beyond the ordinary. Even for rogues, this shows a lack of control I haven’t seen before. A certain amount of . . .”

“Recklessness?” Zan supplied. “Balls?”

“Yes.” The commander stood. “There’s no thoughtful cunning here. No discretion.”

Jax shook his head. “There’s almost a sickness permeating the area.”

“We have to find out why,” Nick agreed. “Nothing else to see here, though. Let’s move on to the ranch hand’s body.”

Just then, Zan noticed Micah wandering away from the group, sniffing the air. He walked toward the back of the property, in the direction they’d been heading before they stopped. Then he crouched and palmed a handful of dirt, inhaled, then dropped it and brushed his hand on his jeans.

“There was a human here,” he told them. “This scent stands out because it was joined by at least one vampire, and then both scents head that way.” He pointed toward a copse of trees a ways off.

Zan peered into the distance and remarked, “That’s where they told us we can find the body. Maybe he came out here alone to take another look at the dead cattle and they snatched him. A kill of opportunity.”

At that grim prospect, they loaded into the vehicles and drove the rest of the way to the murder scene. As they approached, Zan noted that there was a vehicle there and two men in suits standing near what he assumed to be the body, which was covered with a tarp. Made sense that they couldn’t leave the body unguarded, though Nick wouldn’t like them hanging around.

They must’ve been informed in advance about visitors, because they stepped aside and moved a fair distance away with a minimum of protest. Still watchful, they leaned against a couple of trees while Zan and the others surrounded the tarp.

Nick pulled it back and Zan grimaced. God, that poor bastard.

The victim’s head was turned to the side, eyes wide and staring across the field. Like the cattle, the man’s neck was savaged, to the point Zan was surprised it was still attached to his prone body. The Pack had seen some pretty disturbing things in their line of work, but this? This guy had suffered before he died. He had blood and tissue under his fingernails, scratches on his arms. He’d fought. Had been desperate as he’d been dragged across the field to the tree line. He must’ve known he’d end up like those cows.

What a fucking shitty way to die.