“Music to my ears, brother.”

“I really do need to get back.”

“I understand,” Damien said. “My men and I will stay here for now and assist Tarron. I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Sounds good.” It did indeed sound fine.

Nick hooked his arm through Calla’s and they were home in seconds.

Or at least where he hoped would be the permanent home for them both.


Calla’s mate’s first task on their arrival at the compound was breaking up a catfight. Or was that a she-wolf fight?

Selene had started by tearing into her father for using Zan’s healing, even though Zan strenuously protested that he had been careful not to overdo it. When Mac stepped in, the game was on.

“Of course you’re going to defend Zan’s actions! He risked his health to save your mate!”

“Selene,” Mac began. “Zan has been cleared to heal within certain limits. And of course I’m grateful. How could I not be? I love Kalen, and our baby needs his father.”

“Oh, pull out the baby card, yeah? You know—”

“Enough!” Nick’s voice boomed down the hospital corridor, making everyone jump. “Selene, that’s enough!”

Turning, she blinked at him. “Dad.”

“I know you love your mate, and so does Mac. Everyone works together here. We’re family, all of us, and it serves no purpose for us to be at each other’s throats.”

Selene hesitated, then looked at Mac, eyes shining with tears. “I’m sorry. I just can’t stand the thought of losing Zan the way I did not so long ago. Or almost did.”

“I understand,” Mac said softly, takin

g her hands. “I almost lost Kalen like that, too, more than once now. Peace?”


Dr. Mallory interrupted. “Nick, Kalen would like to see you now. He’s still on the mend, so make it short.”

“I will.” He turned to Calla. “Come with me?”


Kalen was propped up in the bed when they walked in, looking awfully pale with his black hair falling around him. “Nick! How do I keep getting myself into these messes, eh?”

Her mate chuckled. “You’re a troublemaker—that’s how. Didn’t I tell you that the day we met?”

“Not in so many words, but you were right.” His grin banished some of the shadows. “So, did you and the guys catch that Jinn creep yet?”

Nick shook his head. “Not yet. We’ve got feelers out for him in the paranormal community. Now that Ivan’s dead and Jinn’s got no mission to perform, I’m not sure if that’ll make him easier or harder to track.”

Some of Kalen’s good mood faded. “Yeah. Sorry I couldn’t kill his ass. That fucker’s a lot more powerful than I gave him credit for at first. He’s got more black magic in his little finger than I have in my whole body.”

“But your white magic saved you. Don’t forget that. Good always wins in the end.”

“Does it?” the Sorcerer asked.

“I hope so. That’s my story, anyway, and I’m sticking to it.”