One of the nurses appeared as promised, and took Calla to Nick’s room. He was awake when she went in, but groggy.

“Hey,” she said, sitting down to take his hand. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I got hit by a bus. How’s Ryon?”

“Viktor said he’d be fine, so don’t worry. Just get well.” She brushed a lock of black hair off his forehead.

“Plan to.” He yawned. “Where’s the basilisk? Did they take him to Sanctuary?”

“Her, and yes, they did.”

He blinked. “The creature is female?”

“Apparently so. Plus small and frightened, according to Viktor.”

“God,” he breathed. “Has she talked?”

“I don’t think so, but John and a couple of others are going to question her.”

He frowned. “You know, I was half expecting an ambush. I could have sworn she was a lure.”

“Maybe that’s what you were supposed to think. Then when you’re wrong, you’ll relax your guard next time you go out on a call and they’ll hit you when you don’t expect it.”

“Smart woman. We’ll just be extra careful, then.” His eyes drooped and he tried to stay awake. “About earlier, leaving the way I did . . . I’m sorry.”

“Hush. Get better and we’ll deal with the rest as it comes.”

Her heart ached as she watched him succumb to sleep. He had so much responsibility on his shoulders, had been hurt more than once protecting his team, and yet he was worried about her feelings.

She sat with him for a while, until hunger forced her to seek something from the kitchen. Reluctantly, she left Nick’s side, knowing solid food would only temporarily stave off the need for blood. There wasn’t anything else she could do, though. Her stomach would reject any other blood—she knew that by the ominous sickness that roiled just thinking of drinking from anyone but her mate.

The cook made her a roast beef sandwich, rare. Calla devoured it and felt queasy afterward, but at least it stayed down. She thought she had things under control, and then her brother chose to make an appearance, sitting down beside her and giving her a piercing look.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” she said, trying a smile. It didn’t quite convince him as he eyed her in suspicion.

“You have dark circles under your eyes and you don’t look well. Not what I’d expect when I see my happily mated sister. Or is the mating happy?”

“My mate was just injured, in case you forgot, and that doesn’t thrill me. Besides that, we’re still working things out. Of course things aren’t perfect yet.”

“In what way?”

“That’s really none of your business.”

“Since when?” He leaned forward, his worry apparent. “We’ve always been honest with each other and I can sense you’re not being straight with me. What’s going on?”

Shaking her head, she pressed her lips together. Telling him the whole truth felt like she’d be betraying her mate, even if that wasn’t really the case.

“Sis, your lips are slightly blue,” he continued in a low, ominous tone. “In fact, you look like you haven’t had blood lately. Why don’t I see if Nick’s feeling better so you can feed?”

“No.” Her voice was quiet and miserable. “I can’t do that to him.”

Her brother was clearly confused. “Why not? He’s your Bondmate now, right? I mean, who the hell else are you going to feed from?”

“I’m his Bondmate, yes.” She took a deep breath. “But he’s not mine, officially. Not yet.”

He scowled. “What the fuck does that even mean? You’re either Bonded or you’re not!”