She never stayed away for long. She was steadfast, urging him to get well.

For his mate, anything.

. . .

"Hey, you."

For a full minute, Ryon didn't comprehend that he'd awakened and opened his eyes. The fog parted gradually as he rose to the surface. Gentle light filtered through the filmy haze covering his vision. By slow degrees, the haze dissipated, and he found himself staring into a pair of huge brown eyes.

"Baby," he rasped.

Eyes that immediately filled with tears. Happy ones, he guessed, from the way she beamed down at him. Her smile crinkled her nose, and she grasped one of his hands tightly.

"I thought I'd never hear you call me that again," she half-sobbed, choking on the last word. "You shaved a couple of decades off my life, mate."

"That close, huh?"

She leaned over and brought his hand to her face, rubbing it against her cheek. "You weren't breathing when they brought you in. We thought you were gone." She gave a watery laugh. "Except for Nick, of course. He swore you'd make it. Guess we should learn to trust him."

"Guess so." Jesus, his head was muzzy and he hurt all over. Ryon attempted a smile, but his face wouldn't cooperate. "How long have I been out of it?"

"Four long days. Everyone's been visiting, and taking bets on who'd end up in here next. Meanwhile, Nick has been on the phone nonstop with General Grant."

"Really?" He tried to sit up, but vertigo and nausea swamped him. "What did Nick say about all that government conspiracy shit? Did he know about it?"

Daria eased him back. "Whoa, no sudden moves, big guy. To answer your questions, Nick didn't know a thing about it, and he was furious. He and the general aren't sure how much of what my uncle claimed is true, if any of it, but they're starting an investigation."

"A real quiet one, I'll bet."

"You bet right. Nick had a meeting and told the team about it, and they were shocked and upset, as you can imagine."

"The day we were turned was one of the worst of my life," he murmured. "All of our lives. Even if August was lying about some of it, a lot of what he said makes sense."

"Like how it happened that all of you ended up in Afghanistan, in the same unit?"

"And how those of us who survived each have a Psy gift. I know we won't rest until we have the truth of who was behind it all." He paused, and asked a question that was burning in his gut. "Have you seen Ben?"

Giving him a soft smile, she shook her head. "No, honey. He's been asking for me, but I wanted to wait until you woke up."

That surprised him. "Why?"

"Because you're my mate. If you don't want me to see my former fiance, I won't out of respect for your wishes."

"But you'd be unhappy," he said, shaking his head. "I'd never do that to you, baby. My wolf might be possessive, but the man isn't that stupid or insecure. You both need closure after all you've been through, so go see him."

She smiled through her tears. "Thank you."

"How is he?"

"Noah tells me he's dealing. They haven't said much else since he wants to talk to me in person."

"Then you shouldn't wait."

The bed shifted slightly as she leaned over him, and pressed her lips to his. The soft, sweet kiss warmed his toes. And, in spite of his battered body, one very happy part of his anatomy.

She touched his cheek. "I love you, Ryon Hunter. More than I ever dreamed possible. You're a part of me and always will be, no matter what."

"I love you, baby. I can't imagine my life now without you."

"Simple. Don't."

"I turned out to be more trouble than you bargained for, and the challenge isn't over yet. Are you sure about having me around for keeps?"

"Gee, I don't know." She snorted, rolling her eyes. "Now that I've been through ten kinds of hell, living in terror that I'd lose you, I think I should give you the boot. What do you think?"

"That I should quit while I'm ahead?"

"Good idea."

He looked straight into her eyes. "You know, I have the woman I love hovering and fussing, nursing me back to health. Life is looking pretty terrific, except for one detail."

She frowned, little worry lines creasing her brow. "What's that?"

"I know we're already mated, but there's something else that would make me happy." He rushed on before his nerve fled. "My angel, will you marry me?"

Well, hell. Making her cry seemed to be all he was capable of doing. Her eyes rounded and filled, like two big brown marbles. He held his breath, heart hammering. The discomfort from his healing body he could take, as long as Daria was his.

"Yes." She laughed. Then she threw herself against his chest, hugged him tightly. "Yes, yes!"

His arms went around her, happiness flooding him. She took his face in her hands and covered him in kisses. His shout of joy came out as a pitiful wheeze, but he barely noticed. Daria was his!

"When?" Excitement laced her voice.

"Even if we have to marry in this hospital room, I couldn't care less."

"It's a date. But after you're out of bed and walking under your own power. Your team will want to be there, too."

"You're right. It's a plan."

With that, he pulled her down and kissed her, thoroughly. He tasted the salt of their mingled tears and knew life didn't get any better.

With this woman at his side, he could endure the weeks of recovery ahead. Then they would lay the past to rest and begin to build their future.


. . .

Daria walked toward Ben's hospital room, unable to squelch a tiny bit of dread.

True to what she'd told Ryon, she hadn't come by before now despite a couple of inquiries from the man that had reached her through Mac and Noah. She knew how frightened he must be, how anxious. That he was ready to talk, however, had to be a good sign for his recovery.

Ahead, Phoenix emerged from an exam room. The tall, lithe man with long, dark blond hair moved like a supermodel, graceful and sexy. Looking at him, smiling at Mac as he took his leave, it was hard to believe the man had been rescued from one of Bowman's hellholes just a few weeks ago.

He gave her a blinding smile. "Daria. It's good to see you looking recovered from your ordeal."

"Thanks. You're looking pretty good yourself." She was mated, but damn.

"I saw Ryon earlier. I've never seen him so happy."

"We both are. You coming to the wedding?"

"Wedding? Congratulations!" Laughing, he gave her a hug. "Wouldn't miss it. When's the big day?"

"As soon as my mate is on his feet. We'll have it here, I think."

"Then I have no excuse." Peering past her, his gaze took on a predatory quality. Then he returned his attention to Daria. "Well, I have to go. Talk soon?"

"You bet."

After giving her a kiss on the cheek, he strolled past. Curious about his behavior, she turned to see that Noah had just rounded the corner. He was carrying a stack of file folders, head down, and was totally not watching where he was going.

Which was why he had no idea that Phoenix smacked into him on purpose, then pretended it was an accident.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" he exclaimed. "Here, let me help you."

"Damn," Noah grouched. "I just spent the last three hours on these." Squatting, the cute nurse joined the other man and started to gather the files. Then he looked up to find himself the recipient of the blinding smile that had been bestowed on Daria moments before.

Only this smile was completely different-the heat could've melted the paint off the walls.

Noah blushed, visibly flustered. "I-I . . . thank you."

"Don't mention it." With a wink, Phoenix resumed assisting him.

Poor Noah looked as though he'd been hit in the head with a tire iron.

Well, now, wasn't that interesting? Chuckling, Daria pushed into Ben's room. Her amusement faded as she saw her former lover staring listlessly at the television mounted on the wall.


His head whipped toward her, and he sat up a bit. "Daria! Please, come in."

Moving to his bedside, she sat in the chair and put a hand on his forearm. "You're looking well."

"Thank you." There was a sadness in his green eyes she'd never seen in the normally confident attorney. A vulnerability. "I'm glad you agreed to see me."

"Why wouldn't I have? We parted amicably, and I consider you a friend."

"Really? After all I've done since then?" he said, choking up.

Shaking her head, she used a no-nonsense tone. "The creature did those things, not you. The man was not in control. Do you even remember the things he did while in that form?"

"No, nothing except flashes of looking through his eyes, feeling the rage and confusion. Maybe I blocked out the rest. But I-he-killed people," he whispered. "I knew the beast had done something bad because I was covered in blood. I had an awful feeling."

"That wasn't you," she reiterated.

He was silent a moment. "I never knew it was your uncle behind my kidnapping, until it was all over and I ended up here. I defended him in a criminal case once, and that was the thanks I got. Nick told me the man apparently waited until our breakup and then had me taken to Bowman. I had caught their eye as a perfect test subject."

"And they weren't concerned that you're a prominent attorney with colleagues and a client base who would miss you?"

"I guess not. They were that arrogant."

"Or that stupid."

His lips curved. "It's really good to see you. Are you happy?"

"I am." He was still fragile and she didn't want to hurt him in any way, or rub in her bliss. But she told the truth. "He's my other half. We mated, and we're going to get married as soon as he's up and around. Living here will be perfect, too. That way I can continue my study of the wolves-the real ones."

"That's wonderful." His voice rang with sincerity.

"Would you be interested in attending? I'd love to have you if-"

"Thank you, but no," he said quietly. "It's best that I go home, get my life in order. But I do wish you all the best, and I'll be thinking of you."

"All right, I understand. And thank you."

"I can't thank you, Ryon, and the Pack enough for risking so much to save me. I'm forever in your debt. If any of you ever need a good criminal attorney, I'm a phone call away."

She laughed. "I'll be sure they know. And you're welcome. Like I said, you're my friend and there's no way I was going to leave you to your fate."

"You're a rare woman, Daria. I was a fool to let you go."

"Yes, you were."

They both laughed at that, knowing the real story. The decision to part was mutual, their lives too different, going in different directions. They would remain friends. Whether she'd ever see him again, she didn't know. But she hoped so. Some people, like Ben, were worth holding on to.

And no one more than her amazing mate, whom she loved to distraction. He was worth any risk.

Here, with Ryon, she'd found her home at last.

Chapter Sixteen

Ryon stood at the altar, which was really a simple white archway decorated with all sorts of flowers he couldn't name. He didn't care-he had eyes for only one beautiful flower in the entire vicinity.

Daria walked up the aisle, escorted by her father, Charles. They were both smiling, but it was her brilliantly happy one that caught his breath. Her face was radiant. Raven hair was piled on top of her head, spilling down on the sides of her face. Brown eyes devoured him, shining with love and promise.