This couldn't be happening. Not yet. She wasn't ready.

Panicking, she scrambled backward, her first instinct to run. But the awkwardness of suddenly having four legs to control instead of two, plus the shape of her new form, trying to get used to redistributing her weight, was too much of a challenge all at once. Her legs tangled and she went down in a heap and sat up with a whine of distress.

"Kira, you're all right," Jax soothed, crouching beside her. Gently, he stroked her ears. "Easy, baby. There's nothing to be afraid of."

That was fine for him to say. He was already used to this. Tentatively, she stood again and looked around at the gathered group. Fear rose once more to override his words, and she did what came naturally-she pressed against his side and glared at everyone else, giving a low, ominous growl.

"Let's leave them alone," Mac said to their friends. "Come on."

They followed her back into the building, and Kira breathed a sigh of relief. Somehow, she felt better now that everyone wasn't staring. She took comfort in her mate's presence, strong and solid, easing her fright with his touch. She looked to him as he continued to stroke her face, her ears.

"See? You're fine. Try taking a few steps for me?" Standing, he moved back a few feet. "Just this far. You can do it."

She studied the distance doubtfully, the scant space stretching like a mile. But she moved one paw forward, placed it on the ground. Then another and another, until she'd moved all four and taken her first real steps. A tiny bit of excitement began to bloom in her chest and she smiled at Jax. Or thought she was smiling, but wasn't sure.

"That's it," he praised, beaming. "Now the rest of the way."

She did, slowly at first. Then a bit faster, until she'd covered the ground between them in no time. Arching a brow, he issued a challenge.

"Pretty good, but see if you can catch me."

He took off at a jog, not anywhere near as fast as she suspected he could run, but enough to test her new abilities. The predator in her exulted in the prospect of a chase, and running down her prize, and she bolted after him.

And promptly tripped over her gangly legs and went rolling, getting grass in her nose. Sneezing, she jumped up and spied her quarry making his escape-laughing, the jerk!-and she took off again. This time with much more success.

With every stride, her new wolf gained confidence in her control. Still, no one was more surprised than Kira when she caught up to Jax, gathered herself and leaped, and took him to the ground. They landed in a heap, his breath rushing out in an umph. Rolling, pulling her upper half onto his chest, he started laughing in pure joy. It was impossible not to be affected, and she licked his cheek.

"Not afraid anymore, are you?"

Hesitating, she realized she wasn't. Still a bit overwhelmed, but not scared. Because her mate was here, and he'd take care of her. She shook her head and he smiled.

"Good. Now, watch this." Slowly, he stripped off his clothes and then . . . he shifted. A handsome wolf, larger than her, stepped forward and greeted her, licking her muzzle.

You're gorgeous, my pretty mate.

Stunned, she blinked at Jax. You can hear me?

Loud and clear! Cool, huh? I guess Ryon isn't the only one who can do this after all-mates can!

She thought about that. Yeah, it's cool. Wonder if we can do this in human form.

I think so. We'll try it. Are you still in pain?

Not anymore. How do I change back?

Later. Let's run first!

But . . . you don't have your abilities back.

I do now-or at least I can shift. I think it was tied to you somehow. I felt my wolf return when you changed.

What about the Timebending thing?

Don't know. I can't feel it, though. Unconcerned, he ran around her, nipping at her flank and dancing around.

Watch it, buddy. I'll bite back.

That might be sort of fun, he teased.

He took off and she raced after him, surprising herself with the happy bark that came out in place of a laugh. Too frigging weird!

She tried to keep up with him, but started to fall behind. Running on four legs for a prolonged period was going to take some adjustment, and his stride was quite a bit longer than hers. She managed pretty well, leaping over rotting logs and dodging trees, but winced when she occasionally hit a sharp pebble in the trail that hurt her paws. Those would need some toughening up.

At one point, he glanced behind to see her struggling and stopped, waiting for her to catch up. When she did, he greeted her with affectionate licks to her muzzle-canine kisses. Nice, but strange.

When they started off again, he slowed to stay beside her, keeping their pace at more of a leisurely trot. Now she had the opportunity to marvel at how her senses were overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells, all made much more sharp and clear because of her new status as a shifter.

It was like she could see each leaf on the bushes and trees. Smells hit her nose, those of other animals who'd been this way, or were hiding nearby. Her wolf half catalogued them for future reference, and she knew she'd recognize each of them again when she encountered them.

They reached Jax's spot by the stream, which she thought of as theirs, and took a long drink. Afterward, she stared at her reflection. A wolf with blue eyes and creamy fur tipped in black and silver stared back at her, pretty enough to be on any nature postcard.

See? I told you. His voice in her head was so happy. Proud. You're stunning.

Thank you. You're awfully handsome yourself. Sidling close to him, she nuzzled his face. This is amazing.

And the best part is, I never have to be alone again.

You've had your friends, your pack.

It's not the same as a mate.

I suppose it wouldn't be. Neither of us will be alone.

It struck her how fortunate she was to have Jax to help her through the transition. He'd been alone, no one to ease his fears the way he'd done for her. It made her love him even more.

Suddenly, he shifted and was a man again. An extremely sexy man kneeling by the stream, stroking her soft fur in wonder. Can you hear me now?

Yes! Guess it works.

"Good," he said aloud. "Shift back for me, baby."

A ripple of fear went through her. How?

"Focus all your thoughts on your human form. Imagine your limbs reshaping, reversing the process."

Will it hurt as bad as before? Because I don't want to do that again.

"No, it shouldn't. And it gets easier every time. Trust me."

Okay. She concentrated hard, but nothing happened.

"You're too tense. Relax."

It took several more tries, and then without warning, it worked. The process began, her limbs, torso, and face morphing in reverse. She cried out, dismayed that it was nearly as painful as the first shift, her bones feeling as if they were being ground into dust. Pulling her into his lap, he held on, murmuring soft words of encouragement until she was herself again. Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs and the pain gradually dissipated. After a while she became aware that she was a very naked woman being held tightly by her equally buck naked and horny mate. His erection pressed against her rear.

"Thank you," she said hoarsely. Eyes wide, she felt her arms and legs.

"Everything is back to normal. You did great, angel." Worry clouded his expression again. "Are you sure you're all right?"

"Much better," she assured him, cupping his face. "I'm so glad you were with me when it happened."

"Me, too." Moving in, he kissed her soundly, urging her back onto the spongy loam.

She pulled him down with her, spreading her thighs, beckoning him inside. "Here," she whispered. "Right where you made me yours."

Settling over her, careful to keep his weight from crushing her, Jax kissed her jaw, her neck, using a bit of fang and making goose bumps rise on her skin. Shifting his hips, he positioned the head of his cock at her entrance and pushed.

"So hot and wet for me," he murmured.

"Yes." Kneading his glorious ass, she pulled him inside, impatient to have him fill her completely. Inch by inch, he slid deep, groaning in pleasure. "Feels so good."

"Like that, baby?"

"Love you inside me."

"And I just love you."

She stilled. "You mean that?"

"It's not the sex talking. I love you, Kira," he said softly.

Even without the waves of emotion pouring over her, she read the truth in his eyes.

"I love you, too." Her throat closed, tears pricking her eyes. "Don't stop."

He didn't ask whether she meant loving her or making love to her. He just murmured "Never" in her ear and started moving. Shafted his cock in and out, slowly at first, driving her mad with the delicious sensation of being filled over and over, driving them closer to the peak. When his thrusts became faster, more forceful, she tried to hold off her orgasm, but it was getting impossible. Her nails sharpened to claws that dug into his back, fangs lengthened, and she found she liked this new side of herself.

"Bite me," he demanded. "Claim me like I claimed you."

The idea called to the most primal instinct in her body-to leave her mark on her mate.

Without hesitation, she struck, sinking her canines into the curve of his neck. His shout was one of pure rapture as his blood splashed her tongue, hot and rich. His release exploded inside her and she clung to him, her orgasm matching his. They rocked together for what seemed an eternity, and yet wasn't long enough.

After a few moments, she released his neck and peered at the puncture wounds, an absurd sense of pride swelling in her chest. My mate.

Yes. All yours.

Rolling to his back, he pulled her on top of him and they lazed for while. "This is perfect. I wish this moment would never end," he said in contentment.

She propped herself up, looking into his sated, sleepy face. "It doesn't have to. You could use that Timebending thing you can do and relive it over and over."

"True. But I can do that in my memories just fine." He kissed the end of her nose.

How sweet. She gave him a leisurely kiss and rested her chin on his chest. "If you could go back and relive any perfect moment in your life, which one would it be?"

His smile took her breath away. "You know I'm forbidden to use that 'gift' except in the direst of circumstances. And it doesn't work like that-remember, I can only bend it to gain back the last few minutes."

"I know, but if you could. Humor me."

He thought for a long moment. "None of them."

Disappointment stabbed her. "Why not?"

"Because the perfect moment can never be improved, and should be remembered, cherished, just the way it was. Like every moment I spend in your arms," he said. "We should just go forward and make more of them."

"Oh," she breathed. A tear slipped down her cheek. "You had to make me cry, didn't you?"

"Only happy tears, baby."

"I'm holding you to that."

"Same goes for you."

His arms tightened around her, and they didn't speak again for hours.

They said it all without words.

Chapter Sixteen

Their idyll lasted exactly one more week.

Three weeks after he'd mated with Kira, their guys in the field reported movement at both NewLife buildings in Las Vegas and Dallas. Aric and Ryon flew home from Vegas, while Zander and Kalen stayed put since most of the action seemed to be centered at the Dallas site. The minute Aric and Ryon got in, Nick called a meeting to discuss what they'd learned and what action to take next.

Everyone settled in, and he got to the point.

"Dr. Gene Bowman and Orson Chappell are moving their operation to the Dallas site. Aric and Ryon reported that they'd spent last week with a small crew, moving equipment out in the wee hours while most of the regular staff was gone. Two nights after the last load was moved, Zan and Kalen watched the same crew arrive in Dallas and spend the last few nights moving it all into the Dallas building."