"Yes! Anything that will make him well."

No! his mind shouted. But his lips wouldn't budge.

Noises ensued, the clank of metal on a tray. Melina spoke to his mate, but he couldn't make out the words. He was tired and he hadn't even been awake that long. His energy was nonexistent.

Suddenly a slick finger parted his lips, began to rub his tongue. He sputtered, tried to turn his head away from the latex-covered digit, but the doc held him fast, smearing something wet on his tongue. His gums and canines, too. What the hell?

Automatically he swallowed, and caught the sweet, earthy taste on his tongue. His initial impression was that it was nice, if kind of weird, and then . . . the effect hit his system like rain in the desert. Warmth flowed to cells and muscles, liquid sunshine. And he knew.

Melina had given him Kira's blood. Lifesaving, nourishing blood from his mate. Doing the job that no medicine could hope to perform in pulling him back from the brink. Slowly, he cracked his lids open again, glad to find his vision mostly clear.

"Hey," he croaked, giving Kira a lopsided smile.

"Oh, my God!" Scooting her chair close, she hugged him tight, laying her head on his chest, on his right side, opposite the bullet wound. "I was so worried. Everyone was. Is."

Carefully, he brought his arm around her, holding her snug against him. "I'm okay, baby. Don't cry."

"Sariel says I'm blotchy." She sniffed.

"Yeah? What does he know? You're always beautiful." He kissed her head, and would've growled if he had the energy. "I can smell him on you."

At least he could scent again. A bonus.

"He was comforting me because I thought you were going to die." Another sniff. "Get over it."

He snorted a laugh, but it hurt and he sucked in a breath, waiting for the pain to subside. Apparently his healing powers weren't at full speed yet.


Melina moved into his line of vision, angled face filled with concern. "Yes?"

"Is this, you know, temporary?"

"The boost you're feeling now?"


She sighed, showing more emotion than he'd witnessed in months. "I'm afraid so. Kira's blood has strengthened you because it contains the properties you require to be a healthy wolf shifter male. But you aren't mated. In short, this is a stopgap measure to get you strong enough to finish the process."

He frowned. "But if I take her blood when I bite her, what's the difference? Why can't I take it through the cut in her wrist or something?"

"Good question. I think the answer lies in your saliva, in the chemical change that occurs when mates bond during sex. I could be wrong." She shrugged. "Only two ways to find out."


"First, we'll let you take blood from Kira's wrist-provided she agrees." Kira nodded, so Melina continued. "Then we give you a few hours, see if the bond forms between you and you're completely well. If it hasn't worked, you'll feel progressively worse in a relatively short time."

"And then?"

"We give you more blood, and release you to do as wolves do in the wild." She actually smirked at this.

Jax looked to Kira, who was blinking rapidly, cheeks turning pink. "Not unless that's what Kira wants."

Melina was silent for a moment. "Are you saying you'd rather die than force Kira into mating you?"

As much as it broke his heart, he had to let her go if that's what she wanted. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

Big blue eyes fixed to his. "Jax," she breathed. "You don't mean that."

"Every word."

"I'm not going to let it happen," she whispered.

"Then stop me."

"Oh, I intend to."

"I'll give you two some privacy," Melina said with a grin. "I'll be back."

Neither of them noticed when the doc left. They just stared into each other's eyes, and Jax wondered where to go next. What to say.

All that came out was, "Thank you." Which was completely inadequate. He wasn't a man prone to long, mushy soliloquies, hearts and flowers. He'd rather show a woman what she meant to him, and he sure couldn't do that laid up in the infirmary. Damn it.

An impish smile curved her lips. "You're welcome. Though I had sort of a selfish motive for saving your bacon."

"Really?" His hand sought hers, clasped their fingers together on top of his stomach.

"Sure. A take-charge wolf man with woo-woo powers and a smokin' hot bod? And I might get to be a wolf, too. Where else am I going to find all that?"

He laughed, and immediately regretted it. Sharp pain blasted through his shoulder and he gasped, riding it out. As the sick waves subsided, he noted that her teasing mood had disappeared and tears swam in her pretty eyes. "Hey, none of that. I'm going to be fine."

"What if you're not? I can't help but feel this is my fault," she said, voice breaking. "If I had-"

"No. This is most definitely not your fault, or mine. Nature isn't fair, that's all." Studying her expression, he thought it only fair he give her one more out.

"Kira, I want you to know I meant what I said. You're under no obligation to mate with me. If you don't want to do it, I'll let you go. You can't leave here until it's safe, but I can. I could ask Nick to assign me in the field for a while, and this mating fever, or whatever it's called, might pass."

And the mere thought broke his heart. Made him want to tear the room apart, shred the furniture. When had she burrowed so far under his skin?

To his amazement, her expression turned fierce. A little bit pissed. His angel got right in his face. "Listen to me, Jaxon Law. There's something really good here, between you and me, and I'm sticking around to take it all the way. So stuff the self-sacrificing crap and get out of this bed so we can get our animal goin' on."

Okay, his inner wolf liked the attitude. A whole helluva lot. The rest of him did, too, and made his desires known with throbbing intensity, injuries be damned.

Reaching out, he traced a finger over her lips. "Yes, ma'am. You always so bossy?"

"No, but I'm learning."

With that, she took his mouth, licked inside. Her flavor excited him as no woman's ever had, and he wanted to pull her on top of him. Have his way right here. She must've felt the same, because she broke the kiss to nibble along his jaw.

"You could bite me right now," she murmured.

"Baby, even if it would work, there's no way I'm going to create the most important bond either of us will ever experience sitting in my oh so sexy hospital bed." He arched a brow. "Give me a little romantic credit."

She brightened. "I'm glad to hear you say that."

"Why? Was that some sort of test and I passed?"

"No! Well, maybe a little," she teased. "I don't want to do it here, either."

"Why do you want it at all?" His quiet question pierced the playful mood, but he had to know. His own change of heart concerning taking a mate wasn't such a mystery. Kira, he wasn't so sure about. "Why me? Have you made peace with the fact that I have an animal half who's every bit a part of me as the man?"

Her gaze slid from his and moved to his lap. "I keep telling you that wasn't the problem."

"Then what-oh, right. You didn't want nature to force your choice." Taking her chin, he tilted it up so she'd meet his eyes. "I don't want that, either. But for my part, I don't have to worry anymore."

"What are you saying?" She bit her lip.

"That I'm falling for you," he said, smiling a little. "Because of you, not some souped-up version of my genetic code. This might sound stupid, but I knew you were all I wanted the second I saw Chup sleeping on your stomach."

"That doesn't sound stupid at all." Leaning in, she kissed the corner of his mouth. "In fact, that's the greatest thing anyone's ever said to me."

"What about you?" He attempted to keep the sudden strain out of his tone. "Do you still feel trapped?"

"No," she said, taking his hand. "I'm scared and a little overwhelmed, but not trapped. I think that's because I'm not fully adjusted to this lifestyle yet. To the enormity of all of this-otherworldly beings, evil forces and soldiers who battle them. Plus there's a big possibility I'll be a shifter like you guys. But my feelings for you have become stronger than my fear of what I can't control. Does that make sense?"


She has feelings for me. Yes! It's a place to begin. A terrific place. Still . . .

"So you're really okay with the idea of becoming a shifter?"

After a pause, she nodded. "I'm nervous, but at the same time I can't help but wonder what it will be like. You know, the process itself. Not to mention being stronger and faster, being able to defend myself with claws and really sharp teeth. It's kind of cool, now that I'm getting used to the possibility. I think I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen."

"It might not," he said gently. "Melina didn't change after she and Terry mated."

"I know. If it doesn't, I'll deal with it." Lapsing into momentary silence, she played with his hair. "It's weird for me to think about being shifter, but at least I get a warning. I can only imagine what a shock it was for you guys."

"Damned right it was. Thought we were losing our minds at first."

She studied him, obviously chewing on something. "You told me that you, Zan, Aric, and Ryon were Navy SEALs. And you were all turned after you were ambushed on patrol. Right?"

"Yes, plus Raven, who's in Block R. Why?"

"So is that when your Psy abilities manifested? You were all able to do cool stuff after you became shifters?"

He frowned. "No, we had our abilities already. They just became much more powerful."

"Did any of the other men-the ones who were killed-did they have powers, too?"

"I don't know," he said slowly. "It's never occurred to me to ask."

"Did any of you know one another before you joined the Navy?"

"No, we met in BUD/S training and were placed on our team together. What are you getting at?"

"I'm not sure. It just seems strange that out of all the people in the military, a group of guys with Psy abilities ended up on the same team unbeknownst to one another, and all of you survived when so many others didn't. Doesn't that seem weird to you?"

Suddenly, Aric's earlier declaration returned.

Which would mean our high-up government friends-the assholes who're supposed to be on our side-lied to us. Ain't like that's never happened before.

A chill gripped his heart. What could it all mean? Were they played from the beginning, set up, used? The strong turned into paranormal soldiers, the weak discarded like broken toys?

That would be abominable. And it could be true.

"When you put it like that, it does," he said. "I don't know what to make of what's going on with NewLife and these experiments, disappearing Alpha Pack team members, dead bodies, what the government does or doesn't have a hand in, none of it. What I do know is I want out of this bed."

Mischief sparked in her blue eyes and she leaned over, nibbling his neck. "My poor wolf pup," she teased. "Feeling a bit anxious? Cooped up?" Her hand slid under the covers.

"Kira." His intended warning became a plea as her fingers sought their prize, rooting under his gown to find his lengthening shaft. "God."

"Let me help you get rid of some of that tension." Her hand began stroke him, sending shivers of delight through his burgeoning erection, up his spine. "I'll make a mess," he gasped. "The doc will know what we've been up to."