"Or use the phone," Zan put in. "There's a list of extensions beside it."

The faery stared at them helplessly. "The what?"

Zan smiled. "It's a communication device that looks like a box. Come in. We'll show you." He led the way and Sariel trailed him, taking in his surroundings.

Zan gave a short tutorial on how to use the phone, while Sariel studied the thing as if it were a strange insect and declared that in his world there was no need for such a contraption. They simply used Mindspeak or flashed to another location to talk in person. Then he looked sad and she figured it had reminded him that he'd lost his home and people.

Afterward, the trio spent some time showing the wide-eyed Fae some more earthly devices, like the oven, microwave, and refrigerator. Their new friend began to look more and more dejected.

"I cannot cook," he murmured. "I don't know how."

"No worries." Hammer clapped his shoulder. "The kitchen and appliances are here only in case you want to eat in private. We have a cafeteria and the cook is real fine. You won't go hungry."

"And that reminds me," she began. "I heard you haven't been eating."

A slight flush colored the prince's pale cheeks. "I wasn't hungry. But I will not continue to shun your hospitality."

She figured that meant he had been hungry and was too damned proud to admit it.

"Lunch is in a couple of hours," Zan told him. "Why don't you rest and I'll make sure someone comes to get you right before we eat?"

Sariel nodded. "I would like that."

"Will you be okay here?" She couldn't help but worry. When she'd seen him earlier, he'd been the picture of abject misery, and now he was almost too calm. She hoped that didn't mean he planned to do something drastic the minute their backs were turned.

"This will be most comfortable. Thank you."

Zan started for the door. "We'll get out of here, then. If you get tired of being alone, just come on out and go for a walk. You're bound to see someone who can point you toward wherever you want to go."

He swallowed hard, and looked to each of them, including them all in his next words. "I appreciate your kindness and I'm indebted. Somehow I will repay you."

"Let's not worry about that, huh?" Zan winked. "We'll let you get some shut-eye."

As they left, Kira glanced back over her shoulder to see Sariel standing in the middle of the small living area looking very alone. She didn't really want to leave him but he needed time to adjust. He wouldn't want someone hovering over him constantly after he'd given his word he wouldn't harm himself. It would be a breach of trust in his eyes.

In the hallway, she voiced her concern as they walked. "What if he tries to leave?"

"We can't stop him," Zan answered. "And we can't keep him caged. After you got him to open up, anyone could see that wasn't right. But if he tries to walk out, he won't get off the grounds without us knowing. We can try to persuade him again to stay."

"If he translocates, though, he's gone," Hammer said. "Nothing we can do about that."

Zan attempted to reassure her. "Try not to worry. He said he'd stay and he seems like a man of his word."

She hoped so. The thought of such a gentle soul facing exile by himself was not acceptable.

Kira thanked the guys for their help and they told her to call on them again if she needed to. She said she would and headed in the direction of the recreation room, forcing herself to look on the bright side. Sariel was liberated from that awful cell, and though bewildered, he would adjust. He'd be fine.

What should she do with herself until lunch? Dr. Mallory had made it crystal clear she wanted to speak with Kira before she took on any more of her duties. And really, she wasn't officially an employee until Nick said so. She wasn't worried about the background check as it was a simple formality. Not even an unpaid parking ticket marred her record.

Until last night, her life had been critically boring to the point it needed CPR.

In the rec room she froze. Jax was sitting on the sofa, arms crossed over his chest, shit-kickers parked on the coffee table. He was watching a talk show on TV, but from his glazed expression, she had her doubts that he even knew what the topic was.

God, he was so wickedly sexy, her heart beat faster simply being near him. Short black hair sort of stuck out in that messy, spiky style that wasn't as easy as it looked to pull off. Did he use gel? She'd love to offer to do the job for him, run her fingers through the black silk and mess it up real good.

While he kissed and licked his merry way down her body, making places tingle that hadn't in ages and desperately needed to-

"You going to come in or stand there all day?"

She hated when people threw out challenges like that. It was tempting to turn around and leave, but then she'd look like an ass. "Coming in, I guess. I've done my good deed for the morning and I don't dare do any more without Dr. Mallory's blessing."

His eyes met hers as she moved to the sofa and plopped down. "Why? What's going on?"

She shrugged. "Sariel is out. Zander and Hammer helped me."

He frowned. "Who's Sariel?"

"Oh, that's right." She snapped her fingers and glared at him. "You don't know because you weren't here to help me in Block R like you said you would!"

"Wait. You went there alone?"

"I just said your friends helped me. And Sariel is the name of the winged guy. He's a Fae prince who was outcast from the Seelie Court. The lousy asswipes tossed him through the gate, and only because his daddy is some Unseelie guy with nasty eating habits."

"You found out all of this while I was gone?" He eyed her in disbelief.

"Yep. All I did was talk to him, and I guess he was ready to get out of there." She was pretty proud of herself for that one.

"He's out?" Jax sat straight up in alarm. "Where is he?"

"Relax. He's fine. He's staying in the living quarters two doors down from me and across the hall from you. We got him settled in after he promised not to try and harm himself again. Said he couldn't really do much damage, anyway, because the Fae aren't easy to kill."

"And you all believed him? Kira, he's despondent," he said in concern. "If he wants to die, he'll find a way."

That led to a horrible thought. "You don't think he'd give himself up to his father, do you?"

"Hell, how should I know? He's never said a word until you came."

She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. "He promised to give life here a try. I believe him and so do the others."

"Well, if he goes back on his word, there's nothing we can do."

"That's what Zan said."

"You and Zan are getting awfully chummy, aren't you?" Leaning close, he sniffed her neck and shoulder. "He touched you." A growl started low in his throat and only stopped because she smacked him in the arm. He blinked in surprise, the noise ceasing.

"Don't you start that crap with me. He gave me a brotherly hug-that's all-and it's not any of your biz, anyway!" Leaning over, she sniffed his neck in return . . . and her blood started on a slow boil. "Seems I smell a woman on you, and it's not me."

Oh, that deer-in-the-headlights expression. Priceless. "What are you talking about? You're not a shifter, and I highly doubt you can discern scents like we can."

Seething with righteous anger, she stood, fists balled at her sides. "You arrogant jackass, I don't need a wolf's nose to know cheap drugstore perfume when it hits me like a ton of bricks. I don't have on any, and if I did I wouldn't choose something that makes me gag."

"Shit." He rose to face her and held out his hands. "It's not what you think."

"Oh? You were attacked by a drive-by perfume spritzer at the mall?"

"No. It's not-I didn't . . ."

"You know what? It's none of my business what you did or didn't do. I don't care." Okay, that was a teensy lie. She did care, but she wasn't about to let some womanizing jerk know it. "What is my business is who I decide to kiss or touch. You don't have any right to demand that other men stay away from me and then come back smelling like a skank."

"You mean skunk?"

"Read my lips-skank." She gave him a hard shove in the center of his chest, and he took a step back. "And if I want to screw my happy way through the whole Alpha Pack team, there's not a frigging thing you can do about it!"

"All right!" Ryon enthused from the doorway. "I've got the welcome banner right here for ya!"

Kira realized she'd pushed a Jax a bit too far about a half second before he grabbed her wrists and bared his canines. Yanked her flush against his hard body.

And crushed his mouth to hers.

Chapter Seven

He was pushing her, too much too soon. She'd had too much to deal with and he wasn't giving her time to process everything that was happening.

But goddamn, she was driving him bat-shit crazy. Jax devoured her mouth like a starving man at his last meal, hand around her waist, crushing her small frame to his much larger one. No way could she miss the erection nestled into her belly, seeking relief.

That's all it was, right? A physical need that would be satisfied when he buried his cock inside her, and afterward, when they were both drenched in sweat, whatever hold she had on him would be broken and they could go their separate ways.

Breaking the kiss, he took her hand and pulled her in his wake, shoving past a smirking Ryon. He'd break the dipstick's face later. Right now, he needed to get her alone.

"Hey!" she squeaked. "Where are we going?"

He glanced down. Took in her flushed cheeks, eyes alight with desire, as she jogged to keep up with his long strides. He slowed a bit but kept on toward his destination. "Anywhere my interfering brothers aren't. At the moment, the closest place is my quarters."

"But-but . . ."

She didn't finish the protest and that was fine by him. If she couldn't dredge up a reason why this was a bad idea, he wasn't going to give her one. When they reached his room, he keyed in his personal code and ushered her inside. Blessedly alone with her at last, he surrendered to the animal that wanted nothing more than to mate with his female.

Pushing her against the inside of the door, he set about overwhelming her senses while divesting her of the baggy clothing that hid way too much. He nuzzled her neck, kissing and flicking the vulnerable skin with his tongue, puzzled as to why he felt the nearly overwhelming need to bite her. And why denying that need seemed to make the burning itch even worse. Perhaps he would give in, but not today. He wouldn't risk it without talking to Melina about the possible ramifications.

His hands found the edge of her shirt, and his palms slid over her flat tummy. Moved upward to her small breasts, so different from his usual busty type. Hers were barely a handful and yet they were perfect. His thumbs grazed the nipples, pleased when they pouted and hardened. A little whimper escaped her throat and she arched into him, begging without words.

"You like that, angel?" he murmured.

"It's been so long." Her voice was breathless, husky with arousal.

"Do you want me to stop?" He plucked the peaks, pinching just enough to give a tiny jolt, make her want more.

"This isn't a good idea."

Scraping the tip of one fang along the spot where her neck and shoulder met, he nibbled, careful not to scratch her pretty skin. "That's not an answer. Do you want me to stop?" he enunciated, putting more force into the question.


"Tell me what you want," he coaxed. Moving one palm downward, he had no problem sliding his hand inside the front of the too-big jeans. Slowly, he brushed his fingers through neat curls, giving her time to protest. Instead, she widened her stance with a moan, inviting him to touch, thrilling him. But he had to hear it. "Tell me, baby."