“It was hard for me to plan even when I wasn’t slowly going mad.”

Mr. Needlemier looked at me in the rearview mirror.

“Is this Mike person armed?” Op Nine asked.

“Oh, you can bet on it.”

“But we are not.”

“Just the demon blasters. They’d blow a hole in him the size of Nebraska.”

“Do we wish to do that, though? Blow a hole in him the size of Nebraska?” Op Nine asked.

“Timing’s everything,” I said. “First we get the Vessel; then we blow a hole in him the size of Nebraska.”

“To what purpose, if we have the Vessel?”

“He’s the cause of it all,” I said, my face growing hot.

“He’s responsible.”

“I still do not understand. Why do you need to kill him, Alfred?”

“One word,” I said. “Maggots.”

We reached the final crest before the road leveled off at the top of the mountain. I ordered Mr. Needlemier to stop the car. We got out. It was very cold. The fog of our breath mixed with the fog that had wrapped itself around the world.

We gathered around the open trunk. I loaded fresh clips into the 3XDs and handed one to Op Nine. I stuck the sword into my belt and said to Needlemier, “Stay here with the car.”

He nodded rapidly, looking relieved. Op Nine was staring at the 3XD.

“What is this?” he asked.

“Your life’s work.”

“I made this?” He slowly shook his head. “A weapon! Seems a waste of a life.”

“Well, they’ve come in pretty handy. You put my blood in the bullets.”

“I did?” He shook his head again.

“What are you going to do, Alfred?” Mr. Needlemier asked. His voice had gone high-pitched in his excitement.

“That which must be done,” I said, and started up the last hundred feet to the top of the mountain.


For once the fog was a blessing. There was no way Mike could see our approach, unless he had infrared cameras mounted in the eaves.

I whispered to Op Nine, “Cover the porch on the back side. I’ll take the front.”

He nodded and faded to my left, disappearing into the fog with barely a sound. I crept toward the front of the cabin, which emerged slowly from the mist as I came closer. There was a deserted feel to it, and I had a sinking feeling I had made that same awful mistake I always made: going with my gut.

I mounted the steps and pressed my ear against the front door. Silence. I held the 3XD loosely in my right hand. I took one step back, a deep breath, then raised my right leg and with two good sharp kicks busted the door right off its hinges.

So much for stealth.

I lunged into the entryway, sweeping the 3XD in an arc from right to left.