As long as we keep them apart, that’s better for everybody, isn’t it?”

“You have my personal guarantee that won’t happen, Alfred.” “I’m sorry, but that just doesn’t mean much, not after all this,” I said. “You guys snatched me and took my blood without asking. Why didn’t you ask?”

“That was Operative Nine’s decision. Our only hope was using your blood as the active agent, so whether you agreed or not was irrelevant.”

“What must be done,” I said, and she nodded.

“Well, I’ve been thinking maybe you guys oughtta revise some of your protocols, because right is right and wrong is wrong and maybe I’m just a kid, but you should have given me a choice.”

“Of course,” she agreed. “And if we had to do it over again . . .”

“Hopefully you won’t,” I said. “Ever. So don’t make me any guarantees.”

“But I can now, Alfred,” she said. “I’m the new director.”

I didn’t know what to say at first. She hadn’t said it proudly, but almost sadly, so I didn’t think I should congratulate her.

“I’ll think about it,” I said.

She said, “The Seals are safe for now, but there are other objects of great and terrible power still in the world. I took a solemn oath when I joined the Company to do whatever is necessary to preserve, protect, and defend them against evil.”

I nodded. “That which must be done. I know all about that.”

“This much I can tell you, Alfred. There is great pressure on me from the signatories to forcibly take the ring from you. I don’t want to do that. I think we have a bright future in front of us, but to survive, our relationship must be built on a foundation of mutual trust. Giving us the Great Seal would go a long way toward establishing that trust.”

I thought about it. “I’m sorry, Abby. I just can’t do it. You weren’t there . . . you didn’t see what those demons are capable of. Maybe OIPEP should trust me not to lose it or let it fall down a drain or something.”

She started to say something, and then stopped herself. She wasn’t looking at me; she was looking at the golden crucifix hanging above the altar.

“This will be difficult to explain,” she said. Then she laughed, which was the last thing I expected her to do. Her teeth were absolutely dazzling. This probably wasn’t the time or place, but if I ever had the opportunity, I intended to discuss oral hygiene with her. Maybe she used those whitening strips or had them bleached or veneered.

“You really are an extraordinary young man,” she said. Then Director Smith leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

“Until we meet again . . . Take care of yourself, Alfred Kropp.”

She left me sitting there, before the cross, and her high heels clicked on the wooden floor as she walked away.

I stayed for a while, alone in the pew, and I said a prayer.


I parked in the garage beneath Samson Towers, in the space marked “Reserved” with a very dire warning beneath the word that all violators would be towed at their own expense.

I walked through the huge atrium, past the waterfall gurgling and splashing in the center. The guard behind the security desk gave me a respectful nod, and I thought of my uncle Farrell, who’d had the same job before my life got really weird.

I took the express elevator to the penthouse suite.

Samuel came out of my father’s old office wearing a worried expression.

“Oh, there you are,” he said. “I was getting concerned.”

He followed me into Bernard Samson’s office and closed the door behind us.

I told him about my meeting with Abby.

“This is very grave news, Alfred,” Samuel said when I finished. “As the director, she will be under great pressure to obtain the Seal from you.” And the Company, as you know, can be ruthless. The Charter requires that she designate a new Operative Nine and you and I both know what that means: a Superseding Protocol Agent will not let the director’s personal feelings toward you compromise a mission to regain the Seal of Solomon.”

“And sometimes good people have to do bad things,” I said. He nodded. I said, “Well, I’m still not sure I buy that argument, Samuel.” I sank into the fat leather chair behind my father’s desk.