“Well, that’s sort of your job, isn’t it?”

She nodded. “I guess.”

“What’s in the Holy Vessel?” I figured if anyone would tell me, it would be Ashley.

“I can’t tell you.”

“Do you know why Mike was trying to kill me?”

She looked away.

“Can you tell me why he stole the Seals?”

“We don’t know why.”

I was feeling light-headed again, so I sank back onto the bed.

“Is there a doctor on board?” I asked.

“Why, are you sick?”

“I feel really dizzy. Plus I found this sore under my . . .” I didn’t feel comfortable for some reason using the word “armpit.” “On my skin. I wouldn’t care, you know, I’m a pretty tough guy, played football and everything, plus I’ve had my share of rough scrapes over the past year, including being killed, but my mom’s cancer started with a sore spot and you know that runs in families. Not sore spots. Cancer. Well, I guess sore spots could run in families too . . .”

“Yes,” she said. She was smiling for some reason.

“There’s a doctor on board. You want me to get him?”

“Maybe in a little while. It’s better when I sit down.”

She sat down next to me as if she needed to feel better too. Her hair fell across her cheek as she leaned forward, swinging her long legs against the bunk.

“I’ve been thinking about my mom a lot lately,” I said.

“After she died, things got really weird.”

She nodded. She hooked a thick strand of her hair around her left ear and looked at me out of the corner of her eye.

“You probably know all about my mom,” I said. “I bet OIPEP has a file on me and you had to read that when they, um, attached you to me. That’s how you knew my blood had the power to heal.”

“That’s pretty smart of you, Alfred.”

“So there is a file.”

“The Company keeps files on a lot of people.”

“How many people?”

“Practically everybody.”

“Why practically everybody?”

“Because practically everybody has the potential to be important.” “Well, I never saw myself that way. I mean, I know I’m the last living descendent of Lancelot, and my dad was pretty rich and important, but it was mostly dumb luck how I saved the world.”

She reached over and put her hand on the top of my hand.

“You’re very special, Alfred. You have a very unique gift; don’t ever forget that.”

“I don’t have any gifts.”