
I see him smile tightly in the dark glass. “And?”

“Throwing a very big rock would defeat the purpose.”

“And what is the purpose?”

“For some to live.”

“That begs the question. You’re better than that.”

“You could have killed all of us. But you didn’t. You’re burning the village in order to save it.”

“A savior. Is that what I am?” He turns to face me. “Refine your answer. Must it be all or nothing? If the goal is to save the village from the villagers, a smaller rock would have achieved the same result. Why a series of attacks? Why the ruses and deceit? Why engineer-enhanced, delusional puppets like Evan Walker? A rock is so much more simple and direct.”

“I’m not sure,” I confess. “But I think it has something to do with luck.”

He stares at me for a long moment. Then he nods. He seems pleased. “What happens now, Marika?”

“You’re taking me to his last known location,” I answer. “You’re dropping me in to track him down. He is an anomaly, a flaw in the system that can’t be tolerated.”

“Really? And how could one poor human pawn pose any danger whatsoever?”

“He fell in love, and love is the only weakness.”


Beside me, Razor’s breath. Before me, Teacup’s uplifted face.

“Because love is irrational,” I tell Vosch. “It doesn’t follow rules. Not even its own rules. Love is the one thing in the universe that’s unpredictable.”

“I would have to respectfully disagree with you on that point,” Vosch says. He looks at Teacup. “Love’s trajectory is entirely predictable.”

He steps close, looming over me, a colossus cut from flesh and bone with eyes clear as a mountain lake boring all the way down to the bottom of my soul.

“Why would I need you to track him or anyone down?”

“You lost the drones that monitor him and all the others like him. He’s off the grid. He doesn’t know the truth, but he knows enough to cause serious damage if he isn’t stopped.”

Vosch raises his hand. I flinch, but his hand comes down on my shoulder, which he squeezes hard, his face glowing with satisfaction. “Very good, Marika. Very, very good.”

And beside me, Razor whispers, “Run.”

His sidearm explodes beside my ear. Vosch backpedals toward the window, but he isn’t hit. The big recruit go

es down to his knees, ramming the recoil pad of his rifle against his shoulder, but he isn’t hit, either.

Razor’s target was the smallest thing that is the sum of all things, his bullet the sword that severs the chain that bound me.

The impact hurls Teacup backward. Her head smacks into the counter behind her; her stick-thin arms fly into the air. I whip to my right, toward Razor, in time to see his chest blown apart by the kneeling recruit’s round.

He pitches forward and my arms come up instinctively, but he falls too fast. I can’t catch him.

And his soft, soulful eyes lift up to mine, at the end of a trajectory that even Vosch failed to predict.

“You’re free,” Alex whispers. “Run.”

The recruit swings the rifle toward me. Vosch steps between us with an enraged, guttural cry.