"No. Now fuck off and die." The woman slammed the door.

"Shit," said Tanya.

She stood outside the apartment door. She put her hand to her aching cheek: it seemed to be swelling grotesquely. She did not know what to do next.

The other person who might know what was going on was Cam Dewar. She probably could not phone him: she guessed all the civilian phones in the city had been cut off. However, Cam might go to the American embassy.

She ran outside, jumped back into her car, and headed for the south of the city. She cut across the outskirts, avoiding the city center, where there would be roadblocks.

So Staz had a wife. He had been deceiving both women. He was a smooth liar, Tanya thought bitterly: he was probably a good spy. Tanya was so angry that she felt like giving up on men. They were all the damn same.

She saw a group of soldiers putting up a placard on a lamppost. She stopped to look, though she did not risk getting out of her car. It was a decree issued by something called the Military Council for National Salvation. There was no such council: it had just been invented, no doubt by Jaruzelski. She read it with horror. Martial law was in force. Civil rights were suspended, the frontiers were closed, travel between cities was prohibited, all public gatherings were banned, there was a curfew from ten P.M. to six A.M., and the armed forces were authorized to use coercion to restore law and order.

This was the clampdown. And it had been carefully planned--that poster had been printed in advance. The plan was being carried out with ruthless efficiency. Was there any hope?

She drove off again. In a dark street two ZOMO men stepped into the light of her twin headlights, and one held up a hand to stop her. At that moment Tanya felt a stab of pain in her cheek, and made a split-second decision. She floored the accelerator pedal. She thanked the stars for her powerful German engine as the car leaped forward, startling the men, who jumped aside. She screeched around a corner and was out of their sight before they could deploy their guns.

A few minutes later she pulled up outside the white marble embassy. All the lights were on: they, too, would be trying to find out what was happening. She sprang out of her car and ran to the U.S. marine at the gate. "I have important information for Cam Dewar," she said in English.

The marine pointed behind her. "That looks like him now."

Tanya turned to see a lime-green Polski Fiat pulling up. Cam was at the wheel. Tanya ran to the car, and Cam rolled down his window. He addressed her in Russian, as always. "My God, what did you do to your face?"

"I had a conversation with the ZOMO," she said. "Do you know what's happening?"

"The government has arrested just about every Solidarity leader and organizer--thousands of them," Cam said grimly. "All phone lines are dead. There are massive roadblocks on every major road in the country."

"But I see no Russians!"

"No. The Poles have done this to themselves."

"Did the American government know this was going to happen? Did Staz tell you?"

Cam said nothing.

Tanya took that for a yes. "Couldn't Reagan do something to stop it?"

Cam looked as perplexed and disappointed as Tanya felt. "I thought he could," he said.

Tanya could hear her own voice rising to a screech of frustration. "Then, for God's sake, why didn't he?"

"I don't know," said Cam. "I just don't know."


When Tanya got home to Moscow, there was a bunch of flowers from Vasili waiting for her in her mother's apartment. How had he found roses in Moscow in January?

The flowers were a spot of brightness in a desolate landscape. Tanya had suffered two shocks: Staz had deceived her, and General Jaruzelski had betrayed the Polish people. Staz was no better than Paz Oliva, and she had to wonder what was wrong with her judgment. Perhaps she was wrong about Communism, too. She had always believed it could not last. She had been a schoolgirl in 1956 when the Hungarian people's rebellion had been crushed. Twelve years later the same had happened to the Prague Spring, and after another thirteen years Solidarity had gone the same way. Maybe Communism really was the way of the future, as Grandfather Grigori had died believing. If so, a grim life was ahead for her nephew and niece, Dimka's children, Grisha and Katya.

Soon after Tanya arrived home, Vasili invited her to dinner.

They could be friends openly now, they agreed. He had been rehabilitated. His radio show was a long-running success, and he was a star of the writers' union. No one knew that he was also Ivan Kuznetsov, dissident author of Frostbite and other anti-Communist books that had been bestsellers in the West. It was remarkable, Tanya thought, that she and he had succeeded in keeping the secret so long.

She was getting ready to leave the office and go to Vasili's place when she was accosted by Pyotr Opotkin, screwing up his eyes against the smoke from the cigarette between his lips. "You've done it again," he said. "We're getting complaints at the highest level about your article on cows."

Tanya had visited the Vladimir Region, where Communist Party officials were so inefficient that cattle were dying on a huge scale while their feed rotted in barns. She had written an angry piece, and Daniil had sent it out. Now she said: "I suppose the corrupt and lazy bastards who let the cows die have complained to you."

"Never mind them," Opotkin said. "I've had a letter from the Central Committee secretary responsible for ideology!"