Dimka said: "I work at the Kremlin."

Nina was impressed. "What do you do?"

Dimka did not really like to say, because it sounded like boasting. "I'm an assistant to the first secretary."

"You mean to Comrade Khrushchev!" Nina said in astonishment.


"How the hell did you get a job like that?"

Valentin put in: "I told you, he's smart. He was top of every class."

"You don't land a job like that just by getting top marks," Nina said crisply. "Who do you know?"

"My grandfather, Grigori Peshkov, stormed the Winter Palace in the October Revolution."

"That doesn't get you a good job."

"Well, my father was in the KGB--he died last year. My uncle is a general. And I'm smart."

"Modest, too," she said, but her sarcasm was genial. "What's your uncle's name?"

"Vladimir Peshkov. We call him Volodya."

"I've heard of General Peshkov. So he's your uncle. With a family like that, how come you wear homemade shorts?"

Dimka was confused now. She was interested in him for the first time, but he could not make out whether she was admiring or scornful. Perhaps it was just her manner.

Valentin stood up. "Come and explore with me," he said to Anna. "We'll leave these two here to discuss Dimka's shorts." He held out his hand. Anna took it and let him pull her to her feet. Then they walked off into the woods, holding hands.

"Your friend doesn't like me," said Nina.

"He likes Anna, though."

"She's pretty."

Dimka said quietly: "You're beautiful." He had not planned to say it: it just came out. But he meant it.

Nina looked at him thoughtfully, as if reappraising him. Then she said: "Do you want to swim?"

Dimka did not care much for water, but he was keen to see her in her swimsuit. He pulled off his clothes: he was wearing swimming trunks under his shorts.

Nina had on a brown nylon one-piece, rather than a bikini, but she filled it out so well that Dimka was not disappointed. She was the opposite of slim Anna. Nina had deep breasts and wide hips, and there were freckles on her throat. She saw his gaze on her body, and she turned away and ran into the water.

Dimka followed.

It was bitingly cold despite the sun, yet Dimka enjoyed the sensual feel of the water all over his body. They both swam energetically to keep warm. They went out into the lake, then returned more slowly to the shore. They stopped short of the beach, and Dimka let his feet drift to the bottom. The water came to their waists. Dimka looked at Nina's breasts. The cold water made her nipples stick out, showing through her swimsuit.

"Stop staring," she said, and playfully splashed his face.

He splashed her back.

"Right!" she said, and grabbed his head, trying to duck him.

Dimka struggled and caught her around the waist. They wrestled in the water. Nina's body was heavy but firm, and he relished its solidity. He got both arms around her and lifted her feet off the bottom. When she thrashed, laughing and trying to free herself, he pulled her more firmly to him, and felt her soft breasts pressing against his face.

"I give in!" she yelled.