"Plenty of government people talk to the press. I read stories all the time about what 'sources' are telling reporters."
"We're so shocked because Nixon and Agnew got elected by promising law and order. The blatant hypocrisy of it all makes us kind of furious."
"So, you have to decide whether to 'leak' to the media."
"I guess that's what I'm thinking."
"If you do," said Jacky anxiously, "please be careful."
Maria and George went with Jacky to the evening service at Bethel Evangelical Church, then George drove Maria home. He still had the old dark-blue Mercedes convertible he had bought when he first came to Washington. "Just about every part of this car has been replaced," he said. "Cost me a fortune."
"Then it's a good thing you're earning a fortune at Fawcett Renshaw."
"I do okay."
Maria realized she was holding her shoulders so rigidly that her back hurt. She tried to relax her muscles. "George, I have something serious to talk about."
"All right."
She hesitated. Now or never. "In the past month, in the Justice Department, antitrust investigations into three separate corporations have been canceled on the direct orders of the White House."
"Any reason?"
"None given. But all three were major donors to Nixon's campaign in 1968, and are expected to finance his reelection campaign this year."
"But that's straightforward perverting the course of justice! It's a crime."
"I knew Nixon was a liar, but I didn't think he was an actual crook."
"It's hard to believe, I know."
"Why are you telling me?"
"I want to give the story to the press."
"Wow, Maria, that's kind of dangerous."
"I'm prepared to take the risk. But I'm going to be very, very careful."
"Do you know any reporters?"
"Of course. There's Lee Montgomery, for a start."
Maria smiled. "I dated him a few times."
"I know--I fixed you up."
"But that means he knows of the connection between you and me. Think of someone who's never met me."
"You're right, bad idea. How about Jasper Murray?"
"Head of the Washington bureau of This Day? He'd be ideal. How do you know him?"
"I met him years ago, when he was a student journalist, pestering Verena for an interview with Martin Luther King. Then, six months ago, he approached me at a press conference given by one of my clients. Turns out he was at that motel in Memphis, talking to Verena, when they both saw Dr. King shot. He asked me what had become of her. I had to tell him I had no idea. I think he was kind of taken with her."