Dave was suddenly frightened, but he tried to remain calm. "And then millions of fans all over the world would demand my release."

"They will not be allowed to interfere with justice."

Fitz put in: "Are you sure your comrades in Moscow would be pleased with you for creating a major international diplomatic incident over this?"

The tall man laughed scornfully, but he was not convincing.

Dave had a flash of insight. "You're Hans Hoffmann, aren't you?"

The interpreter did not translate this, but instead said quickly: "His name is of no concern to you."

But Dave could tell by the tall man's face that his guess had been right. He said: "Walli told me about you. His sister threw you out, and you've been taking revenge on her family ever since."

"Just answer the question."

"Is this part of your revenge? Harassing two innocent men on their way to a funeral? Is that the kind of people you Communists are?"

"Wait here, please." Hans and his interpreter left the room, and Dave heard from the other side of the door the sound of a bolt being shot.

"I'm sorry," Dave said. "This seems to be about Walli. You would have been better off on your own."

"Not your fault. I just hope we don't miss the funeral." Fitz took out his cigar case. "You don't smoke, Dave, do you?"

Dave shook his head. "Not tobacco, anyhow."

"Marijuana is bad for you."

"And I suppose cigars are healthy?"

Fitz smiled. "Touche."

"I've had this argument with my father. He drinks Scotch. You parliamentarians have a clear policy: all dangerous drugs are illegal, except the ones you like. And then you complain that young people won't listen."

"You're right, of course."

It was a big cigar, and Fitz smoked it all and dropped the stub in a stamped-tin ashtray. Eleven o'clock came and went. They had missed the funeral for which they had flown from London.

At half past eleven the door opened again. Hans Hoffmann stood there. With a little smile he said: "You may enter East Germany." Then he walked away.

Dave and Fitz found their car. "We'd better go straight to the house, now," said Fitz. He gave the driver the address.

They drove along Friedrich Strasse to Unter den Linden. The old government buildings were fine but the sidewalks were deserted. "My God," said Fitz. "This used to be one of the busiest shopping streets in Europe. Look at it now. Merthyr Tydfil on a Monday."

The car pulled up outside a town house in better condition than the other homes. "Maud's daughter seems to be more affluent than her neighbors," Fitz remarked.

Dave explained. "Walli's father owns a television factory in West Berlin. Somehow he manages to run it from here. I guess it still makes money."

They went into the house. The family introduced themselves. Walli's parents were Werner and Carla, a handsome man and a plain woman with strong features. Walli's sister, Lili, was nineteen and attractive, and did not look like Walli at all. Dave was intrigued to meet Karolin, who had long fair hair parted in the center and forming curtains either side of her face. With her was Alice, the inspiration for the song, a shy four-year-old with a black ribbon in her hair for mourning. Karolin's husband, Odo, was a little older, about thirty. He had fashionably long hair but wore a clerical collar.

Dave explained why they had missed the funeral. They mixed languages, though the Germans spoke English better than the English spoke German. Dave sensed that the family's attitude to Fitz was equivocal. It was understandable: he had after all been harsh to Maud, and her daughter might think it was too late to make amends. However, it was also too late to remonstrate, and no one spoke of the fifty-year estrangement.

A dozen friends and neighbors who had attended the funeral were having coffee and snacks served by Carla and Lili. Dave talked to Karolin about guitars. It turned out she and Lili were underground stars. They were not allowed to make records, because their songs were about freedom, but people made tape recordings of their performances and loaned them to one another. It was a bit like samizdat publishing in the Soviet Union. They discussed cassette tapes, a new format, more convenient though with poor sound quality. Dave offered to send Karolin some cassettes and a deck, but she said they would only be stolen by the secret police.

Dave had assumed Karolin must be a hard-hearted woman, to break off her relationship with Walli and marry Odo, but to his surprise he liked her. She seemed kind and smart. She spoke of Walli with great affection and wanted to know all about his life.

Dave told her how he and Walli had quarreled. She was distressed by the story. "It's not like him," she said. "Walli was never the type to fool around. Girls used to fall for him all the time, and he could have had a different one every weekend, but he never did."

Dave shrugged. "He's changed."