"It will take as long as necessary. What is your sister's name?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"You say you wish to attend the funeral of your sister. What is he

r name?"

"I said I wanted to attend the funeral of a close relative. I did not say it was my sister. You obviously know all about it already."

This secret policeman had been waiting for them, Dave realized. It was hard to imagine why.

"Answer the question. What is your sister's name?"

"She was Frau Maud von Ulrich, as your spies have obviously informed you."

Dave noticed that Fitz was getting annoyed, and breaking his own injunction to say as little as possible.

The man said: "How is it that Lord Fitzherbert has a German sister?"

"She married a friend of mine called Walter von Ulrich, who was a German diplomat in London. He was killed by the Gestapo during the Second World War. What did you do in the war?"

Dave saw, from the look of fury on the tall man's face, that he had understood; but he did not answer the question. Instead he turned to Dave. "Where is Walli Franck?"

Dave was astonished. "I don't know."

"Of course you know. He is in your music group."

"The group has split. I haven't seen Walli for months. I don't know where he is."

"This is not believable. You are partners."

"Partners fall out."

"What is the reason for your quarrel?"

"Personal and musical differences." In truth the differences were purely personal. Dave and Walli had never had any musical differences.

"Yet now you wish to attend the funeral of his grandmother."

"She was my great-aunt."

"Where did you last see Walli Franck?"

"In San Francisco."

"The address, please."

Dave hesitated. This was getting nasty.

"Answer, please. Walli Franck is wanted for murder."

"I last saw him in Buena Vista Park. That's on Haight Street. I don't know where he lives."

"Do you realize that it is a crime to obstruct the police in the course of their duty?"

"Of course."

"And that if you commit such a crime in East Germany, you may be arrested and tried and put in jail here?"