Jasper knew that this story, although big in the German press, had not been widely reported in the United States. "You drove to the checkpoint . . ."

"And smashed through the wooden barrier."

"And the guards shot at you."

Walli just nodded.

Jasper lowered his voice. "And the van hit a guard."

Walli nodded again. Jasper wanted to yell at him: This is radio--stop nodding! Instead he said: "And . . ."

"I killed him," Walli said at last. "I killed the guy."

"But he was trying to kill you."

Walli shook his head, as if Jasper were missing the point. "He was my age," Walli said. "I read about him in the newspapers later. He had a girlfriend."

"And that's important to you . . ."

Walli nodded again.

Jasper said: "What does that signify?"

"He was similar to me," Walli said. "Except that I liked guitars and he liked guns."

"But he was working for the regime that imprisoned you in East Germany."

"We were just two boys. I escaped because I had to. He shot me because he had to. It's the Wall that is evil."

That was such a great quote that Jasper had to suppress his elation. In his head he was already writing the article he would offer to the tabloid New York Post. He could see the headline: Secret Anguish of Pop Star Walli

But he wanted yet more. "Karolin didn

't leave with you."

"She didn't show up. I had no idea why. I was so disappointed, and I couldn't understand it. So I escaped anyway." In the pain of remembering, Walli had lost sight of the need to be cautious.

Jasper prompted him again. "But you went back for her."

"I met some people who were digging a tunnel for escapers. I had to know why she had not shown up. So I went through the tunnel the wrong way, into the East."

"That was dangerous."

"If I had been caught, yes."

"And you met up with Karolin, then . . ."

"She told me she was pregnant."

"And she didn't want to escape with you."

"She was afraid for the baby."


"Her name is Alice. I changed it in the song. For the rhyme, you know?"

"I understand. And what is your situation now, Walli?"