Dave wondered if this was at a seaside resort, where there was seasonal work for entertainers.
Lenny said: "I couldn't leave the stall for that kind of money, Brian. Pity it's not a hundred and twenty pound a week. Then I could consider it."
"The venue might go to ninety-five, as a personal favor to me."
"Say a hundred and ten."
"If I forgo my own fee I can make it a hundred."
Lenny looked at the rest of the group. "What do you say, lads?"
They all wanted to take the job.
"What's the venue?" Lenny said.
"A club called the Dive."
Lenny shook his head. "Never heard of it. Where is it?"
"Didn't I mention that?" said Byron Chester
field. "It's in Hamburg."
Dave could hardly contain his excitement. A six-week gig--in Germany! Legally, he was old enough to quit school. Was there a chance he might become a professional musician?
In exuberant mood, he took his guitar and amplifier and Linda Robertson to the house in Great Peter Street, intending to drop off his gear before walking her home to her parents' place in Chelsea. Unfortunately his parents were still up, and his mother waylaid him in the hall. "How did it go?" she asked brightly.
"Great," he said. "I'm just dropping off my gear, and I'm going to walk Linda home."
"Hello, Linda," said Daisy. "How nice to see you again."
"How do you do," Linda said politely, morphing into a demure schoolgirl; but Dave could see his mother taking in the short dress and the sexy boots.
"Will the club hire you again?" Daisy asked.
"Well, a promoter called Byron Chesterfield offered us a summer job at another club. It's great because it's all during the school holiday."
His father came out of the drawing room, still wearing his suit from whatever Saturday night political meeting he had attended. "What's happening in the school holiday?"
"Our group has a six-week engagement."
Lloyd frowned. "You need to do some revision in the vacation. Next year you have the all-important O-level exams. To date, your grades are nowhere near good enough to permit you to take the whole summer off."
"I can study in the day. We'll be playing in the evenings."
"Hmm. You obviously don't care about missing the annual holiday with your family in Tenby."
"I do," Dave lied. "I love Tenby. But this is a great opportunity."
"Well, I don't see how we can leave you alone in this house for two weeks while we're in Wales. You're still only fifteen."
"Er, the club isn't in London," Dave said.
"Where is it?"