"I suppose that doesn't really count."
His hopes rose. "I'm sure not. And it might help you get accepted by the Irving drama school."
She put down the script. "All right. What do you want to know?"
Jasper suppressed his feeling of triumph. Coolly he said: "How did you get the part in All Around Miranda?"
"I went to an audition."
"Tell me about that." Jasper took out a notebook and started writing.
He was careful not to mention her nude scene in Hamlet. He feared she would tell him not to mention it. Fortunately he did not need to question her about it, for he had seen it himself. Instead he asked her about the stars of the movie, and other famous people she had met, and gradually worked around to Hank Remington.
When Jasper mentioned Hank, Evie's eyes lit up with a characteristic intensity of feeling. "Hank is the most courageous and dedicated person I know," she said. "I admire him so much."
"But you don't just admire him."
"I adore him."
"And you are dating."
"Yes, but I don't want to say too much about that."
"Of course, no problem." She had said "Yes," and that was enough.
Dave came in from school and made instant coffee with boilin
g milk. "I thought you weren't supposed to do publicity," he said to Evie.
Jasper thought: Shut your mouth, you overprivileged little shit.
Evie replied to Dave. "This is only for St. Julian's News," she said.
Jasper wrote the article that evening.
As soon as he saw it typed out, he realized it could be more than just a piece for the student paper. Hank was a star, Evie was a minor actress, and Lloyd was a member of Parliament: this could be a big story, he thought with mounting excitement. If he could get something published in a national newspaper it would give his career prospects a major boost.
It could also get him in trouble with the Williams family.
He gave his article to Sam Cakebread the next day.
Then, with trepidation, he phoned the tabloid Daily Echo.
He asked for the news editor. He did not get the news editor, but he was put through to a reporter called Barry Pugh. "I'm a student journalist, and I've got a story for you," he said.
"Okay, go ahead," said Pugh.
Jasper hesitated only a moment. He was betraying Evie and the entire Williams family, he knew; but he plunged on anyway. "It's about the daughter of a member of Parliament who is sleeping with a pop star."
"Good," said Pugh. "Who are they?"
"Could we meet?"
"I suppose you want some money?"
"Yes, but that's not all."
"What else?"