"It'll have to do."
Dave got the Tube. His success as a salesman, and the beer he had drunk, gave him an inner glow. He smoked a cigarette on the train, rejoicing at his victory over his father. He imagined saying casually to Linda Robertson: "I play guitar in a beat group." That could hardly fail to impress her.
He arrived home and entered the house by the back door. He managed to slip up to his room without seeing either of his parents. It took him only a few moments to put his guitar in its carrying case and pick up his amplifier.
He was about to leave when his sister, Evie, came into his room, dressed up for Saturday night. She wore a short skirt and knee boots, and her hair was back-combed in a beehive. She had heavy eye makeup in the panda style made fashionable by Dusty Springfield. She looked older than seventeen. "Where are you going?" Dave asked her.
"To a party. Hank Remington is supposed to be there."
Remington, lead singer of the Kords, sympathized with some of Evie's causes, and had said so in interviews.
"You've caused a stir today," Evie said. She was not accusing him: she always took his side in arguments with the parents, and he did the same for her.
"What makes you say that?"
"Dad's really upset."
"Upset?" Dave was not sure what to make of that. His father could be angry, disappointed, stern, authoritarian, or tyrannical, and he knew how to react; but upset? "Why?"
"I gather you and he had a row."
"He wouldn't give me my allowance because I failed all my exams."
"What did you do?"
"Nothing. I walked out. I probably slammed the door."
"Where have you been all day?"
"I worked on Lenny Avery's market stall and earned a pound."
"Good for you! Where are you off to now, with your guitar?"
"Lenny has a beat group. He wants me to play rhythm guitar." That was an exaggeration: Dave did not have the job yet.
"Good luck!"
"I suppose you'll tell Mum and Dad where I've gone."
"Only if you want me to."
"I don't care." Dave went to the door, then hesitated. "He's upset?"
Dave shrugged and left.
He got out of the house without being seen.
He was looking forward to the audition. He played and sang a lot with his sister, but he had never sat in with a real group that had a drummer. He hoped he was good enough--though rhythm guitar was not difficult.
On the Tube his thoughts kept wandering back to his father. He was a bit shocked to learn that he could upset Dad. Fathers were supposed to be invulnerable--but that attitude was childish, he now saw. Irritatingly, he might have to change his outlook. He could no longer be merely indignant and resentful. He was not the only sufferer. Dad had hurt him, but he had hurt Dad as well, and they were both responsible. Feeling responsible was not as comfortable as feeling outraged.
; He found the Aldgate Workingmen's Club and carried his guitar and amplifier inside. It was a drab place, with bright neon strips throwing a harsh light on Formica tables and tubular chairs lined up in rows that made him think of a factory canteen: hardly the place for rock and roll.
The Guardsmen were onstage, tuning up. As well as Lenny on piano there was Lew on drums, Buzz on bass, and Geoffrey on lead guitar. Geoffrey had a microphone in front of him, so presumably he also did some singing. All three were older than Dave, in their early twenties, and he feared they might be much better musicians than he was. Suddenly, playing rhythm did not seem so easy.