Speaking through the interpreter, Woody said: "Is Peshkov a common Russian name?"
"Not especially," Volodya replied in Russian.
"I'm from Buffalo, where there is a well-known businessman called Lev Peshkov. I wonder if you're related."
Volodya was startled. His father's brother was called Lev Peshkov and had gone to Buffalo before the First World War. But caution made him prevaricate. "I must ask my father," he said.
"I was at Harvard with Lev Peshkov's son, Greg. He could be your cousin."
"Possibly." Volodya glanced nervously at the police spies around the table. Woody did not understand that any connection with someone in America could bring down suspicion on a Soviet citizen. "You know, Woody, in this country it's considered an insult to refuse to drink."
Woody smiled pleasantly. "Not in America," he said.
Volodya picked up his own glass and looked around the table at the assorted secret policemen pretending to be civil servants and diplomats. "A toast!" he said. "To friendship between the United States and the Soviet Union!"
The others raised their glasses high. Woody did the same. "Friendship!" they all echoed.
Everyone drank except Woody, who put his glass down untasted.
Volodya began to suspect that he was not as naive as he seemed.
Woody leaned across the table. "Volodya, you need to understand that I don't know any secrets. I'm too junior."
"So am I," said Volodya. It was far from the truth.
Woody said: "What I'm trying to explain is that you can just ask me questions. If I know the answers I'll tell you. I can do that, because anything I know can't possibly be secret. So you don't need to get me drunk or send prostitutes to my room. You can just ask me."
It was some kind of trick, Volodya decided. No one could be so innocent. But he decided to humor Woody. Why not? "All right," he said. "I need to know what you're after. Not you personally, of course. Your delegation, and Secretary Hull, and President Roosevelt. What do you want from this conference?"
"We want you to back the Four-Power Pact."
It was the standard answer, but Volodya decided to persist. "This is what we don't understand." He was being candid now, perhaps more than he should have, but instinct was telling him to take the risk of opening up a little. "Who cares about a pact with China? We need to defeat the Nazis in Europe. We want you to help us do that."
"And we will."
"So you say. But you said you would invade Europe this summer."
"Well, we did invade Italy."
"It's not enough."
"France next year. We've promised that."
"So why do you need the pact?"
"Well." Woody paused, collecting his thoughts. "We have to show the American people how it's in their interests to invade Europe."
"Why what?"
"Why do you need to explain this to the public? Roosevelt is presid
ent, isn't he? He should just do it!"
"Next year is election year. He wants to get reelected."