Then he heard Szilard speak. "My friend," he said, "I think this will go down as a black day in the history of mankind."
Greg thought: Now what the hell did he mean by that?
Greg wanted his parents to accept Georgy.
It would not be easy. No doubt it would be unnerving for them to be told they had a grandson who had been concealed from them for six years. They might be angry. On top of that, they might look down on Jacky. They had no right to take a moralistic attitude, he thought wryly: they themselves had an illegitimate child--himself. But people were not rational.
He was not sure how much difference it would make that Georgy was black. Greg's parents were laid-back about race, and never talked viciously about niggers or kikes as some people of their generation did, but they might change when they learned there was a Negro in the family.
His father would be the more difficult one, he guessed, so he spoke to his mother first.
He got a few days' leave at Christmas and went home to her place in Buffalo. Marga had a large apartment in the best building in town. She lived mostly alone, but she had a cook, two maids, and a chauffeur. She had a safe full of jewelry and a dress closet the size of a two-car garage. But she did not have a husband.
Lev was in town, but traditionally he took Olga out on Christmas Eve. He was still married to her, technically, though he had not spent a night at her house for years. As far as Greg knew, Olga and Lev hated one another, but for some reason they met once a year.
That evening, Greg and his mother had dinner together in the apartment. He put on a tuxedo to please her. "I love to see my men dressed up," she often said. They had fish soup, roast chicken, and Greg's boyhood favorite, peach pie.
"I have some news for you, Mother," he said nervously as the maid poured coffee. He feared she would be angry. He was not frightened for himself, but for Georgy, and he wondered if this was what parenthood was about--worrying about someone else more than you worried about yourself.
"Good news?" she said.
She had become heavier in recent years, but she was still glamorous at forty-six. If there was any gray in her dark hair it had been carefully camouflaged by her hairdresser. Tonight she wore a simple black dress and a diamond choker.
"Very good news, but I guess a little surprising, so please don't fly off the handle."
She raised a black eyebrow but said nothing.
He reached inside his dinner jacket and took out a photograph. It showed Georgy on a red bicycle with a ribbon around the handlebars. The rear wheel of the bike had a pair of stabilizing wheels so that it would not fall over. The expression on the boy's face was ecstatic. Greg was kneeling beside him, looking proud.
He handed the picture to his mother.
She studied it thoughtfully. After a minute she said: "I'm assuming you gave this little boy a bicycle for Christmas."
"That's right."
She looked up. "Are you telling me you have a child?"
Greg nodded. "His name is Georgy."
"Are you married?"
She threw down the photo. "For God's sake!" she said angrily. "What is the matter with you Peshkov men?"
Greg was dismayed. "I don't know what you mean!"
"Another illegitimate child! Another woman bringing him up alone!"
He realized that she saw Jacky as a younger version of herself. "Mother, I was fifteen . . ."
"Why can't you be normal?" she stormed. "For the love of Jesus Christ, what's wrong with having a regular family?"
Greg looked down. "There's nothing wrong with it."