Lloyd did not know what to say or do.

"My life has been a failure," Walter said. "This is the end of all hope. German democracy is dead."


Saturday, April 1, was Boycott Jews Day. Lloyd and Ethel walked around Berlin, staring in incredulity, Ethel making notes for her book. The Star of David was crudely daubed on the windows of Jewish-owned shops. Brownshirts stood at the doors of Jewish-owned department stores, intimidating people who wanted to go in. Jewish lawyers and doctors were picketed. Lloyd happened to see a couple of Brownshirts stopping patients going in to see the von Ulrichs' family physician, Dr. Rothmann, but then a hard-handed coal-heaver with a sprained ankle told the Brownshirts to fuck off out of it, and they went in search of easier prey. "How can people be so mean to each other?" Ethel said.

Lloyd was thinking of the stepfather he loved. Bernie Leckwith was Jewish. If Fascism came to Britain, Bernie would be the target of this kind of hatred. The thought made Lloyd shudder.

A sort of wake was held at Bistro Robert that evening. Apparently no one had organized it, but by eight o'clock the place was full of Social Democrats, Maud's journalistic colleagues, and Robert's theatrical friends. The more optimistic among them said that liberty had merely gone into hibernation for the duration of the economic slump, and one day it would awaken. The rest just mourned.

Lloyd drank little. He did not enjoy the effect of alcohol on his brain. It blurred his thinking. He was asking himself what German left-wingers could have done to prevent this catastrophe, and he did not have an answer.

Maud told them about Ada's baby, Kurt. "She's brought him home from the hospital, and he seems to be happy enough for now. But his brain is damaged and he will never be normal. When he's older he will have to live in an institution, poor mite."

Lloyd had heard how the baby had been delivered by eleven-year-old Carla. That little girl had grit.

Commissar Thomas Macke arrived at half past nine, wearing his Brownshirt uniform.

Last time he was here, Robert had treated him as a figure of fun, but Lloyd had sensed the menace of the man. He looked foolish, with the little mustache in the middle of the fat face, but there was a glint of cruelty in his eyes that made Lloyd nervous.

Robert had refused to sell the restaurant. What did Macke want now?

Macke stood in the middle of the dining area and shouted: "This restaurant is being used to promote degenerate behavior!"

The patrons went quiet, wondering what this was about.

Macke raised a finger in a gesture that meant You'd better listen! Lloyd felt there was something horribly familiar about the action, and realized Macke was mimicking Hitler.

Macke said: "Homosexuality is incompatible with the masculine character of the German nation!"

Lloyd frowned. Was he saying that Robert was queer?

Jorg came into the restaurant from the kitchen, wearing his tall chef's hat. He stood by the door, glaring at Macke.

Lloyd was struck by a shocking thought. Maybe Robert was queer.

After all, he and Jorg had been living together since the war.

Looking around at their theatrical friends, Lloyd noticed that they were all men in pairs, except for two women with short hair . . .

Lloyd felt bewildered. He knew that queers existed, and as a broad-minded person he believed they should not be persecuted but helped. However, he thought of them as perverts and creeps. Robert and Jorg seemed like normal men, running a business and living quietly--almost like a married couple!

He turned to his mother and said quietly: "Are Robert and Jorg really . . ."

"Yes, dear," she said.

Maud, sitting next to her, said: "Robert in his youth was a menace to footmen."

Both women giggled.

Lloyd was doubly shocked: not only was Robert queer, but Ethel and Maud thought it a matter for lighthearted banter.

Macke said: "This establishment is now closed!"

Robert said: "You have no right!"

Macke could not close the place on his own, Lloyd thought; then he remembered how the Brownshirts had crowded onto the stage at the People's Theater. He looked toward the entrance--and was aghast to see Brownshirts pushing through the door.