She had taken quickly to motorcycling when petrol rationing was introduced back in September 1939. It was like bicycling, but easier. She loved the freedom and independence it gave her.
She turned into the street just in time to see Boy's cream-colored Bentley Airline disappear around the next corner.
She followed.
He drove across Trafalgar Square and through the theater district. Daisy stayed a discreet distance behind, not wanting to be conspicuous. There was still plenty of traffic in central London, where there were hundreds of cars on official business. In addition, the petrol ration for private vehicles was not unreasonably small, especially for people who only wanted to drive around town.
Boy continued east, through the financial district. There was little traffic here on a Saturday afternoon, and Daisy became more concerned about being noticed. But she was not easily recognizable, in her goggles and helmet. And Boy was paying little attention to his surroundings, driving with the window open, smoking a cigar.
He headed into Aldgate, and Daisy had a dreadful feeling she knew why.
He turned into one of the East End's less squalid streets and parked outside a pleasant eighteenth-century house. There were no stables in sight: this was not a place where racehorses were bought and sold. So much for his story.
Daisy stopped her motorcycle at the end of the street and watched. Boy got out of the car and slammed the door. He did not look around, or study the house numbers; clearly he had been here before and knew exactly where he was going. Walking with a jaunty air, cigar in his mouth, he went up to the front door and opened it with a key.
Daisy wanted to cry.
Boy disappeared into the house.
Somewhere to the east, there was an explosion.
Daisy looked in that direction and saw planes in the sky. Had the Germans chosen today to begin bombing London?
If so, she did not care. She was not going to let Boy enjoy his infidelity in peace. She drove up to the house and parked her bike behind his car. She took off her helmet and goggles, marched up to the front door of the house, and knocked.
She heard another explosion, this one closer; then the air raid sirens began their mournful song.
The door came open a crack, and she shoved it hard. A young woman in a maid's black dress cried out and staggered backward, and Daisy walked in. She slammed the door behind her. She was in the hallway of a standard middle-class London house, but it was decorated in exotic fashion with Oriental rugs, heavy curtains, and a painting of naked women in a bathhouse.
She threw open the nearest door and stepped into the front parlor. It was dimly lit, velvet drapes keeping out the sunlight. There were three people in the room. Standing up, staring at her in shock, was a woman of about forty, dressed in a loose silk wrap, but carefully made up with bright red lipstick: the mother, she assumed. Behind her, sitting on a couch, was a girl of about sixteen wearing only underwear and stockings, smoking a cigarette. Next to the girl sat Boy, his hand on her thigh above the top of the stocking. He snatched his hand away guiltily. It was a ludicrous gesture, as if taking his hand off her could make this tableau look innocent.
Daisy fought back tears. "You pr
omised me you would give them up!" she said. She wanted to be coldly angry, like the avenging angel, but she could hear that her voice was just wounded and sad.
Boy reddened and looked panicked. "What the devil are you doing here?"
The older woman said: "Oh, fuck, it's his wife."
Her name was Pearl, Daisy recalled, and the daughter was Joanie. How dreadful that she should know the names of such women.
The maid came to the door of the room and said: "I didn't let the bitch in, she just shoved past me!"
Daisy said to Boy: "I tried so hard to make our home beautiful and welcoming for you--and yet you prefer this!"
He started to say something, but had trouble finding his words. He sputtered incoherently for a moment or two. Then a big explosion nearby shook the floor and rattled the windows.
The maid said: "Are you all deaf? There's a fucking air raid on!" No one looked at her. "I'm going down to the basement," she said, and she disappeared.
They all needed to seek shelter. But Daisy had something to say to Boy before she left. "Don't come to my bed again, ever, please. I refuse to be contaminated."
The girl on the couch--Joanie--said: "It's only a bit of fun, love. Why don't you join in? You might like it."
Pearl, the older one, looked Daisy up and down. "She's got a nice little figure."
Daisy realized they would humiliate her further if she gave them the chance. Ignoring them, she spoke to Boy. "You've made your choice," she said. "And I've made my decision." She left the room, holding her head high even though she felt debased and spurned.
She heard Boy said: "Oh, damn, what a mess."