"Yes. But it's your only hope. Without booze, you have no business. "

She tossed her head. "I can look after myself. "

"Sure," he said. "You can sell this house for a good sum, invest the proceeds, and move into a little apartment with your mother. Probably you could salvage enough from the estate to keep yourself and Daisy alive for a few years, though you should consider going out to work-"

"I can't work!" she said. "I've never trained for anything. What would I do?"

"Oh, listen, you could be a salesgirl in a department store, you could work in a factory-"

He was not serious and she knew it. "Don't be ridiculous," she snapped.

"Then there's only one option. " He reached out to touch her.

She flinched away. "Why do you care what happens to me?"

"You're my wife. "

She gave him a strange look.

He put on his most sincere face. "I know I've mistreated you, but we loved each other once. "

She made a scornful noise in her throat.

"And we have a daughter to worry about. "

"But you're going to jail. "

"Unless you tell the truth. "

"What do you mean?"

"Olga, you saw what happened. Your father attacked me. Look at my face-I have a black eye to prove it. I had to fight back. He must have had a weak heart. He may have been ill for some time-it would explain why he failed to prepare the business for Prohibition. Anyway, he was killed by the effort of attacking me, not by the few blows I struck in self-defense. All you have to do is tell the police the truth. "

"I've already told them you killed him. "

Lev was heartened: he was making progress. "That's all right," he reassured her. "You made a statement in the heat of the moment when you were stricken with grief. Now that you're calmer, you realize that your father's death was a terrible accident, brought on by his bad health and his angry tantrum. "

"Will they believe me?"

"A jury will. But if I hire a good lawyer there won't even be a trial. How could there be, if the only witness swears it wasn't murder?"

"I don't know. " She changed tack. "How are you going to get the liquor?"

"Easy. Don't worry about it. "

She turned in her chair to face him directly. "I don't believe you. You're saying all this just to make me change my story. "

"Put your coat on and I'll show you something. "

It was a tense moment. If she went with him, she was his.

After a pause, she stood up.

Lev hid a triumphant smile.

They left the room. Outside on the street, he opened the rear doors of the van.

She was silent for a long moment. Then she said: "Canadian Club?" Her tone had changed, he noted. It was practical. The emotion had faded into the background.