"I have, of course. Walter and I have talked at length about this. "

"First, he would suffer my disapproval. I could not welcome an English daughter-in-law into my family. "

"Walter feels that your love for your son would help you get over your revulsion for me, in the end. Is there really no chance of that?"

"Second," he said, ignoring her question, "he would be regarded as disloyal to the kaiser. Men of his own class would no longer be his friends. He and his wife would not be received in the best houses. "

Maud was becoming angry. "I find that hard to credit. Surely not all Germans are so narrow-minded?"

He appeared not to notice her rudeness. "Third, and finally, Walter's career is with the foreign ministry. He will distinguish himself. I sent him to schools and universities in different countries. He speaks perfect English and passable Russian. Despite his immature idealistic views, he is well thought of by his superiors, and the kaiser has spoken kindly to him more than once. He could be foreign minister one day. "

"He's brilliant," Maud said.

"But if he marries you, his career is over. "

"That's ridiculous," she said, shocked.

"My dear young lady, is it not obvious? A man who is married to one of the enemy cannot be trusted. "

"We have talked about this. His loyalty would naturally lie with Germany. I love him enough to accept that. "

"He might be too concerned about his wife's family to give total loyalty to his own country. Even if he ruthlessly ignored the connection, men would still ask the question. "

"You're exaggerating," she said, but she was beginning to lose confidence.

"He certainly could not work in any area that required secrecy. Men would not speak of confidential matters in his presence. He would be finished. "

"He doesn't have to be in military intelligence. He can switch to other areas of diplomacy. "

"All diplomacy requires secrecy. And then there is my own position. "

Maud was surprised by this. She and Walter had not considered Otto's career.

"I am a close confidant of the kaiser's. Would he continue to place absolute trust in me if my son were married to an enemy alien?"

"He ought to. "

"He would, perhaps, if I took firm, positive action, and disowned my son. "

Maud gasped. "You would not do that. "

Otto raised his voice. "I would be obliged to!"

She shook her head. "You would have a choice," she said desperately. "A man always has a choice. "

"I will not sacrifice everything I have earned-my position, my career, the respect of my countrymen-for a girl," he said contemptuously.

Maud felt as if she had been slapped.

Otto went on: "But Walter will, of course. "

"What are you saying?"

"If Walter were to marry you he would lose his family, his country, and his career. But he will do it. He has declared his love for you without fully thinking through the consequences, and sooner or later he will understand what a catastrophic mistake he has made. But he undoubtedly considers himself unofficially engaged to you, and he will not back out of a commitment. He is too much of a gentleman. 'Go ahead, disown me,' he will say to me. He would consider himself a coward otherwise. "

"That's true," Maud said. She felt bewildered. This horrible old man saw the truth more clearly than she did.

Otto went on: "So you must break off the engagement. "