What was he going to do? He felt he could not summon the energy for anything. They would give him back his job at the factory, when the strike was over: he was a good worker and they knew it. He should probably go there now, and find out whether there had been any progress in the dispute-but he could not be bothered.

After an hour he found himself approaching Mishka's. He intended to go straight past but, glancing inside, he saw Katerina, sitting where he had left her two hours ago, with a cold glass of tea in front of her. He had to tell her what had happened.

He went inside. The place was empty except for Mishka, who was sweeping the floor.

Katerina stood up, looking scared. "Why are you here?" she said. "Did you miss your boat?"

"Not exactly. " He could not think how to break the news.

"What, then?" she said. "Is Lev dead?"

"No, he's all right. But he's wanted for murder. "

She stared at him. "Where is he?"

"He had to go away. "


There was no gentle way to put it. "He asked me to give him my ticket. "

"Your ticket?"

"And passport. He's gone to America. "

"No!" she screamed.

Grigori just nodded.

"No!" she yelled again. "He wouldn't leave me! Don't you say that, never say it!"

"Try to stay calm. "

She slapped Grigori's face. She was only a girl, and he hardly flinched. "Swine!" she screeched. "You've sent him away!"

"I did it to save his life. "

"Bastard! Dog! I hate you! I hate your stupid face!"

"Nothing you say could make me feel any worse," Grigori said, but she was not listening. Ignoring her curses, he walked away, her voice fading as he went out through the door.

The screaming stopped, and he heard footsteps running along the street after him. "Stop!" she cried. "Stop, please, Grigori, don't turn your back on me, I'm so sorry. "

He turned.

"Grigori, you have to look after me now that Lev's gone. "

He shook his head. "You don't need me. The men of this city will form a queue to look after you. "

"No, they won't," she said. "There's something you don't know. "

Grigori thought: What now?

She said: "Lev didn't want me to tell you. "

"Go on. "

"I'm expecting a baby," she said, and she began to weep.