The parking lot was full of cars, but there was no one at the reception desk to greet us. Weird. Places like this always had a receptionist, if not a security guard or two.

"Hello?" Will called.

No one answered.

"Hey!" I shouted. "A little help here?"

Still nothing.

We frowned at each other, and I jerked my chin to the right, indicating Will should go one way. I went the other.

Only empty offices lay down my corridor. I guess that made sense. The patients wouldn't be easily accessible to anyone walking in off the street. Like me. They also shouldn't be able to walk out the front entrance, just by walking a few feet down the hall, although I was starting to wonder if they had.

I glanced at Will. He'd reached the end of his corridor. He lifted his hands then lowered them. Nothing on his side either. We met again at the receptionist desk.

"What do you think?" I peered at the glass door straight ahead.

The entrance held a huge lock that appeared to need both a key card and a code to open. The glass was tinted. We couldn't see anything in there. I wondered if they could see us out here. If they were even in there at all.

"Doesn't hurt to try. " Will skirted the reception desk and bent over, squinting at the security box. Apparently he'd left his glasses in the car. "I can probably figure this out. " He straightened. "I'll need my computer. "

"How about I just break the glass. "

He tapped his knuckle against it. "Appears a little bulletproof. "

"Why on earth would they have tinted, bulletproof glass for a clinic in Tiny Town, USA?"

"I have a feeling they don't want what's on the other side to get out. "

"Or maybe they don't want any of us to get in. " My fingers itched. "That just makes me want to. "

Will grinned. "One of the things I love about you," he said, then ran a hand over my short, non-descript hair--neither blond nor brown but something in between

"Uh, yeah. " I still wasn't used to his easy and numerous declarations of love. Maybe someday I would be, but I'd never been loved before, and I knew instinctively I never would be again in the way that Will loved me.

Utterly. Completely. No matter what. For always.

"Why don't you get your computer? I'll wait here. "

Chapter Three

Leaning over, he brushed his lips across mine. In our business, we never knew when simple chores, such as retrieving a computer from the car, might separate us forever.

He didn't bother saying be right back. We tried not to make promises we weren't sure we could keep.

With Will gone I got antsy. I'd never been very good at waiting, was even less adept at keeping my hands to myself. I searched the papers on the desk and found nothing interesting--schedules, insurance info, not a word about boxenwolves anywhere. A tap on the computer keyboard did not bring the screen to life. I would leave that for Will.

Wandering back to the tinted glass door, I shrugged and tried the knob. It twisted.

"Uh-oh. " I set my free hand on my gun.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped then scowled at Will. "What did I tell you about sneaking up on me? Make noise like a normal person would. "

"Normal white person. Indians move like the wind. "

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue, because he did. "We forgot the first rule of breaking and entering. "