"My wolves look like wolves, without the human eyes to alert the hunters. And silver doesn't hurt them. "

"What does?" I asked. Zachau merely laughed.

"Your formula isn't all that perfect," Will pointed out. "It makes people insane. Or were they insane to begin with?"

Zachau stopped laughing. "I'm still tweaking. "

"You didn't answer the question. "

"My subjects were not insane to start with, and they won't be insane once I'm finished with them. "

Werewolves that couldn't be killed with silver or recognized as werewolves by their human eyes was bad. Once Zachau set them loose on the world, rather than keeping them in little white rooms, there'd be no stopping them.

Usually, I shot whatever confused me. But shooting Zachau would be murder and shooting the boxenwolves with silver wouldn't do a damn bit of good.

Now what?

"Once the formula is tweaked to your satisfaction," Will said, "what then?" Will always had just the right question.

"I'll become a boxenwolf myself, of course. "

"Of course," I repeated. "Who wouldn't want to run around on all fours, wag their tail, drool a bit?"

Zachau scowled. "Who wouldn't want to be immortal?"

"You got big plans for eternity?" I asked.

"More than you could imagine. "

I could imagine quite a bit.

"Put down the guns," Zachau ordered.

Let's see . . . We had them; he didn't. "No. "

Chapter Six

Zachau whistled and patients surged from the doorways. The ones closest to Will grabbed him, those closest to me did the same, then they divested us of our guns. They took my cell phone, too. I probably should have tested Zachau's statement that silver wouldn't kill them, but I discovered myself unable to shoot a defenseless crazy person in a hospital gown. Go figure.

"It was so nice of you stop by," Zachau said. "I was in need of help to perform my final tests. "

"Do your own dirty work. "

"I wasn't talking to you, Miss McQuade but to Mr. Cadotte. He's the perfect specimen for this experiment. Wolf clan, correct?"

Will didn't so much as blink.

"How do you know so damn much?" I demanded.

"I make it my business to know. You think the two of you came here by accident? It was by design. My design. "

"That's impossible. " The Jager-Suchers were sent out in a rotation available only to Elise. No one could have known that Will and I would catch this case.

"Nothing is impossible," Zachau said. "I've proven that with my boxenwolves. "

He had a point. The word impossible didn't mean as much as it used to.

"Take them to the lab," Zachau ordered.