Slowly she opened her eyes; confusion filled them. "Are you the new nurse?"

"No, I'm--uh--Jessie. "

"How nice. " She gave me a sleepy smile. She didn't seem evil.

"Do you know why you're here?" I asked.

"To get well. "

"What's wrong with you?"

She blinked at the question, which I suppose had been rude, but rude had always been my true middle name.

"I'm crazy, child. Didn't you read the front door?"

"You don't seem crazy. "

"Does anyone?" she murmured, and went back to sleep.

In my experience the crazy always seemed very crazy. But, also in my experience, crazy often went hand-in-hand with psychotic, murderer--be it werewolf or human.

I returned to Will. "We've got to figure out what they are. " I pulled out my cell phone. "I'll call Elise. "

Elise Hanover, Edward's right-hand woman, was a scientist who knew quite a bit about what made werewolves tick. I pressed the speed dial.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. "

Juggling the phone, I reached for my gun. Will already had his. Together we trained our weapons on the man who emerged from the shadows.

He was a lot younger than I expected, although what I expected, I don't know--certainly not the slim, tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed guy in a white coat. Beneath it he wore a blue shirt and a yellow tie, the contrast emphasizing his own coloring.

"Who the hell are you?" I demanded, ever Miss Manners.

"I should be asking you that question. This is my clinic. "

Chapter Five

I narrowed my eyes. "Yours, as in you built it, own it, run it?"

His lips curved. "Yes. "

"You look kind of young to fund a place like this. "

"My ancestors put away quite a bit of money. "

"Lucky you. "

I didn't like him, and I wasn't sure why. But as I'd learned to trust my instincts, I didn't lower my gun. Will didn't either.

"Name?" I snapped.

My annoyance only seemed to amuse him, which annoyed me more. "Dr. Jeremy Zachau. And you are?"

I glanced at Will; he shrugged. We always have a cover story prepared before we go on a job - a cover Edward makes certain will hold up to any scrutiny.

"We're with the Department of Natural Resources. There've been reports of rabid wolves in the area. "

He lifted one sandy brow. "And why would the wolves be inside my clinic?"