Cade shrugged. “I didn’t know who she was. I thought everyone was out with you.”

Julian let Cade believe he’d been running with the others. He certainly didn’t want to discuss why he hadn’t been.

“You wanna explain this, too, while you’re at it?” Alex stood next to Cade’s laptop. “Thought you were off the grid.”

“We are.” Cade crossed over, picked up the computer, and brought it back to the center island where he stood within arm’s reach of his toy. He never had liked anyone else touching it.

Cade quickly gave Alex a rundown on how he had Internet when no one else did. She didn’t appear to understand the explanation any better than Julian did. She opened her mouth, no doubt to spew forth more questions, and the back door banged—open, then shut. Footsteps hurried down the hall.

George burst in, face flushed, chest heaving.

“Ah, hell,” Julian muttered an instant before the boy announced, “We found another body.”

“One a night,” Alex drawled. “Someone’s hungry.”

Julian ignored her. “Who was it?”

“Dr. Cosgrove.”

“Doctor?” Alex asked.


“Maybe someone didn’t care for the way he was sticking them with needles,” she muttered.

“We don’t see the veterinarian,” he snapped. “We don’t see any doctor at all. We don’t get sick.”

“Except in the head.”

He shot her a glare.

“What?” She rounded her eyes with false innocence. “You don’t think someone in the village has snapped?”

George was listening wide-eyed. He’d no doubt report every word to Jorund as soon as he got back.

“I’ll come within the hour,” Julian said.

The boy nodded and went out the way he’d come in. Silence settled over them. It didn’t last long.

“Aren’t you going to ask your brother what he’s been doing out there alone in the night?” Alex demanded.


Alex rubbed her nose as if she had a sudden headache. “Rogue wolf killing Inuit nightly. Remember?”

“You think Cade is a murdering, rogue werewolf?”

Julian asked. “Look at him.”

“Hey!” Cade exclaimed. “I’m right here.”

“And your sword is right there.” Julian pointed at the weapon on the table. “You let a girl take it from you.”

“Right here,” Alex murmured. “And I’m not just any girl.”

Julian spoke before his brother could question that comment. “Cade’s a loner. Always has been.”

“Loner,” Alex repeated. “Isn’t that another word for ‘rogue’?”