He thrust one final time; then he was coming; then she was.

Two simple words. Her name and his. A recognition. An admission.

A vow.

It was enough.

Chapter 25

Alex waited until Julian slept; then she crept from his arms, his bed, his house.

What had she done?

Sex was one thing…This—

She glanced up at the window of his room. This had been another.

He’d touched her with such gentleness. He’d gazed into her eyes with—

“Faet!” she muttered, clattering down the steps and striding around the side of the house.

He’d gazed at her with love. And what had she done?

Loved him right back.

Alex stepped into Julian’s yard and had a little talk with herself.

She did not love Barlow; he did not love her. They barely knew each other, and what they knew they did not like.

Just because their blood couldn’t stay in separate petri dishes, and their hands couldn’t keep to themselves, didn’t mean they were meant for each other.

Then again, maybe it did.

She’d thought him a monster; he’d thought her one. Had they learned differently, or merely come to accept that beneath the surface, everyone had a little monster inside?

“No one’s perfect,” she whispered. Especially Alexandra Trevalyn.

Julian had never lied about who he was, about what he was, about what he planned to do.

Unlike her.

She was a spy; she’d come here to kill—both him and one of his wolves. While she might not kill Julian—

“Won’t,” Alex said to the night, and sighed. “I won’t.”

She would kill the werewolf that had killed her father. As soon as she found it.

Once she did that, she would not be able to stay. However, when she left this place, Edward would find her, and he’d insist she reveal the location of Barlowsville.

Could she really bring the most feared Jäger-Sucher of them all down on these people’s—and they were people, she knew that now—heads?

He’d kill them. Killing was what Edward did best. It had once been what Alex did best, too. It had once been what Alex lived for. But here, she’d found so much more to live for than death.

If she didn’t tell Edward what he wanted to know, he’d either kill her or stick her in a cage for the rest of her very long and furry life.

What the hell was she going to do?

She could solve her problems by staying. Alex let her gaze wander over Barlowsville. She liked it here. She thought she could grow to love it.