"That'll ruin the show. "

"I can't let a murderer walk around just so the show can go on. "

"Lake Bluff needs the money," I said.

"Do you ever think about anything else, Mayor?"

"That's what I was hired to think about, Sheriff. "

"Children, could you put a sock in it?"

Grace and I scowled at each other but didn't answer.

Doc Bill snapped disposable plastic gloves onto his hands, then began to poke and prod Josh's still form. Soon those gloves were soaked in blood and I had to turn my head.

"There's no need to detain anyone. "

"What?" Grace asked.

"Why?" I added.

"See this?" He pointed to Josh's throat, pulling the head back until the wound made a disgusting sucking sound. I bit my lip as the swirling black dots returned.

"What about it?" Grace bent over to get a better look.

"Jagged, more ripped than cleanly cut. " He pulled off his gloves and covered Josh again with the tarp. "This man wasn't killed by a human but an animal. Canine most likely. A big one. "

Grace and I exchanged glances. We'd been here before.

"Except animals don't usually toss their kills over a cliff," the doctor mused. "Although they might bury them to feed on later. "

I made a choked sound, which both of them ignored.

"What does toss its kills into a ravine?" Grace asked.

"Man. "

"So a canine killed him, then a man tossed him into a hole? Why?"

"An excellent question, Sheriff. "

Chapter 28

The doctor appeared deep in thought, as if he might have an answer to that excellent question if he could only think about it long enough. Then he gave himself a little shake.

"If you'll excuse me," Doc Bill said, "I need to get down to business. "

Since his business involved knives, saws, and the removal of various body parts and fluids, I made haste for the door.

Grace lagged behind. "You're sure he was killed by a canine, not a bear or a big cat?"

"I did some training in the recognition of various animal kills. "

"That doesn't seem to be common training for a GP," Grace observed.

"At one time I considered moving west, taking a job at Yellowstone. But the wife didn't want to leave Georgia. Now she's gone and I'm too old. "

"What brings you to the conclusion that this is a canine kill?" Grace asked.