I stared into the endless darkness of his eyes and told him the truth. "You don't. "

"You're too trusting, Claire. "

"You plan to hurt me?"

He looked away. "How could you think that?"

"Exactly. So why shouldn't I trust you?"

"Sometimes people are not what they seem. "

I knew that better than anyone. Josh had been nothing like what he'd seemed.

But the time had come to move beyond the past. I couldn't let the bastards win. By running back here, I'd done just that, and it hadn't helped. Josh had just followed me.

But I'd stood up to him, and now I needed to stand up to what was left of my fear. I wanted to do that with Malachi.

"I believe you're exactly what you seem," I said. "A man who works hard. Who takes care of his people. Who's honest about what he wants. " I stepped closer, leaning up to brush my mouth across his. "And I'm glad what you want is me. I want you, too. "

I'd never said that to a man. Not that there'd been all that many, even before Josh. I'd been too busy getting through school, working, trying to make a name for myself. All of which seemed foolish now.

"Come with me. "

I led him through the house, shutting off lights as we went so that darkness spread behind us as we continued to walk into the light.

We reached my room, and I flicked off the last switch. Night fell; I could barely see the outline of his face.

Suddenly he jerked his head toward the hall where Oprah's eyes glowed eerily disembodied. The sudden movement caused her to hiss.

I shut the door. "She doesn't care for storms. "

"Poor beast," he murmured.

I started toward the bed; anticipation made my heart flutter, then pound. When Malachi hit the light switch and the harsh electric glare flooded the room again, I jumped like Oprah after a loud noise and spun around.

"I want to see you," he said.

That I wasn't ready for. My body wasn't bad, but it wasn't good, either. It certainly wasn't on the caliber of his.

"Please," he continued. "I've been waiting to see the pale moon of your skin and the fire of your hair when I'm inside you. "

My moon-pale cheeks blushed fiery red. "I - I can't. "

The thought of having sex with the lights brightly shining was too much for me. I couldn't do it. I'd panic at the worst possible moment, and once I did, I doubted I'd ever be able to go through with something like this again.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured. "I just want to gaze at every inch of you. "

He started toward me, and I held up my hand in a staying gesture. "I don't want them on!"

I was making a big deal out of something small, but then, Malachi knew why, or at least the root of it. Still, I expected him to turn around and leave. I was too much work. Especially for a man who could have anyone he wanted in any town, anywhere. But Malachi surprised me again.

"That's all right, a stor. " The lightning flashed, making the windowpanes glow white. "I swore to you I'd never make you do anything you didn't want to do. " He flicked the switch. "I meant that. Would you like me to go?"

Silence descended, broken only by Oprah's muttering on the other side of the door and the distant rumble of thunder. The storm was moving away.

I opened my mouth; I wasn't sure what I meant to say, and a large crack, followed by a bolt of lightning so bright I had to close my eyes, yet still I saw it etched on my eyelids, froze the words in my throat.

Oprah squalled and the scritch-scratch of her claws tearing at the wood floor as she ran to her safe place downstairs seemed almost as loud as the rasp of the startled breath I drew into my lungs.