"Never saw him. Maybe he got eaten by the wildlife. "


"It could happen. "

The rest of the day passed quickly, and when dusk arrived I found myself once again driving toward Lunar Lake.

Only one bouncer - the dark burly man - stood next to the ticket booth tonight. Since the crowd appeared even larger than the one on the previous evening, I wondered why the powers that be - Mal - had decided less was more.

I dug money out of my pocket and along with it came the wooden chip with the swastika. I set the talisman on the shelf and shoved the money through the small hole beneath the barred window.

"Where did you get that?"

I glanced up to find the ticket taker's gaze had fallen on the amulet. He spoke English with an Irish accent that wasn't half as charming as Mal's - probably because of the permanent scowl marring his face.

"It was found near here. "

"That's powerful Rom magic. " His skeletal fingers tried to reach beneath the bars and snatch it, but I got there first. "A gadje should never touch that!"

The bouncer turned toward me and emitted a low rumble that had me backing up fast.

"W-why?" I managed.

"You're marime" the old guy said. "Give it to me. "

"Uh, no. " Grace would have my head. This was evidence. Maybe.

"Hogarth," he said, and the big man moved forward. I turned to run and smacked into Malachi.

"What's going on?" he demanded.

Hogarth subsided with a grrr. The old man came out of the booth. "She's got a rune. "

Malachi jerked his head at the ticket seller, who scuttled behind the iron bars before he turned to Hogarth. "Don't you have a show to do?"

The bouncer lumbered away, but not before glaring in my direction. I didn't like his eyes. They were small, dark, and a little wild.

"May I see it?" Mal asked.

I handed him the chip. He stared at it for a few seconds, lips tightening.

"Is it yours?" I blurted.

His eyebrows shot up. "Mine? No. "

"Your man said it was powerful Rom magic. "

"This is an Icelandic rune. "

Icelandic, which made sense considering the origin of the swastika. But - "Why would an Icelandic rune be used in Rom magic?"

"Not magic. Not in the way you think. My people consider good luck a type of magic. "

"You're saying this is a good-luck charm?"

"Yes. Roms have taken for their own many of the traditions of the countries they wandered through. This is one of them. "

"How are they made?"